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Helping Students with Special Needs succeed in IB Schools Present by Canadian Academy's Learning Support Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Students with Special Needs succeed in IB Schools Present by Canadian Academy's Learning Support Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Students with Special Needs succeed in IB Schools Present by Canadian Academy's Learning Support Team

2 Our Team Rose Yee Aimee Moore Joe Gorski Douglas Chee

3 Supporting Needs in the PYP and MYP/DP Part 1, The PYP Rose Yee and Aimee Moore ●steps involved in the referral process ●department tracking system ●support models ●resources ●questions Part 2, the MYP Joe Gorski and Douglas Chee Assessment in the MYP Sample activity What is modified Criteria? Sample activity Bringing it all together: why modified assessment? 5 minute Break (if time available) Part 3, the DP Supplementing with external courses

4 Serving Students with Needs: An Elementary Perspective Aimee Moore & Rose Yee SENIA 2016

5 Video:

6 Overview: ●steps involved in the referral process ●department tracking system ●support models ●resources ●questions

7 Student Support Model at CA Learning Support Coordinator  LST  LSA ESOL -Coordinator -ESOL teachers Counseling Programme  Counselor Admissions Office Health Office Director, Principal


9 ●Assessment; Follow-up with Parents ●Parent Meeting/Initial Referral ●Placement & Support ●SST Meeting/Requests for Evaluation/Parent Consent for Evaluation ●Development of an Action Plan or IEP Steps Involved in Supporting Students

10 Parent Meeting/Initial Referral 1 ●Teacher has concerns about student B r a i n s t o r m ●Refers to PRIM ●Contacts parents about concerns ●Completes Pre-Referral form * ●Document strategies, at least 3 weeks ●File copies: 1) ES student folder 2) respective support department ■Student discussed at weekly ES SST meeting English language acquisition→ ESOL Teacher Behavior → ES Counselor Progression of learning→ LS Department

11 PRIM: Pre-Referral Intervention Manual

12 Pre-referral Form

13 SST Meeting 2 ●SST Meeting: ○Fill out Google doc; everyone’s input ○Collective plan ■in-house testing; more strategies in class; next steps for parents; observations

14 Assessment; Follow-up with Parents 3 ●In-house test results shared with parents ●Consent for further testing from external agency ○Parents provide copy of external assessment to school ●Review at weekly ES SST meeting ●Data collected to form a plan with goals

15 Development of AP or IEP 4 ●Action Plan: ○no official diagnosed learning disability ○accommodations ●IEP (Individualized Education Plan): ○diagnosed learning disability or other formal diagnosis ○adjusted year-end expectations but accessing the current grade level curriculum


17 Placement and Support 5 Support provided based on specific plan: pull-out as necessary in-class support small-group or 1:1 LSA provided based on need co-teaching, planning, consulting/ resourcing, LSA supervision


19 Sample Support Schedule

20 Mini-lessonReading/Writing/UoI

21 Resources: Reading A to Z ( K5 Learning ( Fluency Tutor ( CBM: Curriculum Based Measurement ( Dictation: Mac-based Wilson Reading Program LindaMood-Bell Talkies Program ( ALEKS ( Reading & Writing Workshop PYP standards and Common Core Alberta Standards: Math (*currently looking at new programs) Boardmaker

22 for-google/ejajakfhhhhkifioabcekjjlhpoiijfa ●Features ‘share extension’ - can pull info off web for reading ●Bank of reading passages at various lexiles and reading ages ●Used to increase fluency/ build vocabulary


24 A few resources... LS to Success!

25 QUESTIONS? Question

26 Retrieved from

27 Exit ticket : THANK YOU! Please share your ‘take-away’ from this session and what you would like to know more about! Thanks for joining us today! Padlet link:

28 Supporting Special Needs in the MYP and DP

29 Assumptions: ●You are already differentiating to the highest degree possible ●You already have accommodations in place ●The student has been placed appropriately ●Even with differentiation and accommodation, student has not been successful

30 Accommodation Vs Modification Accommodations generally change the delivery Modifications change the content

31 Why modified criteria and not content? Inclusion! By Official Navy Page from United States of AmericaMC2 Chad A. Bascom/U.S. Navy - Sailors participate in a wheelchair basketball game., Public Domain,


33 Link to Assignments fH4q4XLW5CRDRqNXI2dVE&usp=sharing

34 Case Study 1# High School Chemistry Lab Criterion B and C Examine 2 labs from an inclusive classroom

35 Case Study 2# 9th Grade Interdisciplinary Unit (History and English) Criterion A, C, D

36 Review the essays at your table and grade according to both criteria Which do you think is most appropriate? And for whom?

37 Some Caveats.... ●should be noted on report card ●not eligible for Gr. 10 Certificate ●should NEVER be done without explicit permission and understanding from parents and student

38 The exception..... The DP!

39 Supplementing the DP with online courses...

40 Q and A

41 Thank you for attending! Please feel free to contact us, and we hope to see you in Japan at SENIA 2017!

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