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William the Conqueror, King Henry II, and King John By Abby Frazer.

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Presentation on theme: "William the Conqueror, King Henry II, and King John By Abby Frazer."— Presentation transcript:

1 William the Conqueror, King Henry II, and King John By Abby Frazer

2 William the Conqueror Duke of Normandy Conquered England in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings Created a feudal state with a strong central government Unified control of lands and laid the foundation for a centralized government


4 King Henry II Ruled from 1154 – 1189 Added territory in France Strengthened royal courts of justice Introduced use of jury in English courts mmons/thumb/5/5d/Henry_II_of_France.. jpg

5 King John King from 1199-1216 Failed as military leader Lost Normandy and all lands in northern France Cruel to subjects, alienated the church, and threatened to take away rights to self government. Nobles revolted and forced him to sign Magna Carta


7 Bibliography Beck, Roger B, Ph.D, et al., eds. Ancient World History. 2005 ed. N.p.: Mcdougal Littell, 2005. Print.

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