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Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants An Overview of the Pre-Award Grants Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants An Overview of the Pre-Award Grants Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants Krystal Toups, CRA Assistant Director, Grants An Overview of the Pre-Award Grants Process

2 Objectives

3 The Role of the Grants Team

4 Authorized Institutional Officials

5 Purpose of the Institutional Review

6 Internal Review Process

7 Life Cycle of a UTHealth Grant Proposal Development Pre Award Post Award Close Out

8 Proposal Development - CAYUSE 424

9 Proposal Development - Budget Tips

10 Proposal Development - Budget Tips cont.

11 OSP Internal Deadlines

12 Tips

13 Who is Responsible?




17 Additional Review ActivityOSPPAFLegalOTMProcur. Award acceptance/negotiation of award terms X Carry-forward of unexpended balancesX Change in PI/Key personnel X Change in scope of work X Clinical trial/study agreements X Confidential disclosure agreements (IN) X Confidential disclosure agreements (OUT and MUTUAL) X Consultant agreements (OUT)X Contracts for sponsored research X Cooperative agreements X Copyright, license patent documents X Early terminationX Faculty recruitment awards X Final invention statements X Financial reportsX Fellowships (Institutional or individual if award to the university) X Grant applications X Guarantee requests (new & renewal) X

18 Additional Review Items cont. ActivityOSPPAFLegalOTMProcur. Guarantee requests (continuation)X Just-in-time submissions X Material transfer agreements (IN and OUT) X No-cost extensionsX Professional service contracts (IN)X Professional service contracts (OUT) X Progress reports X Requests to modify budget after the awardX Requests to modify budget prior to the award X Subcontracts (IN and OUT) X Supplemental material X Transfer applications in (grants and contracts) X Transfer applications out (grants and contracts) XX

19 More Questions?

20 Contact Information

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