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The Plains Region Canada’s Bread Basket. Location (in Orange) located between the Cordillera(yellow) and the Canadian Shield (blue). includes the provinces.

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Presentation on theme: "The Plains Region Canada’s Bread Basket. Location (in Orange) located between the Cordillera(yellow) and the Canadian Shield (blue). includes the provinces."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Plains Region Canada’s Bread Basket

2 Location (in Orange) located between the Cordillera(yellow) and the Canadian Shield (blue). includes the provinces of: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. includes parts of the Yukon and Northwest Territories.

3 Landscape The entire region is generally flat in elevation. There are three levels of elevation, each level is lower as you move to the east.

4 Landscape...... In this area you will find: Grassland Hills Escarpments(cliffs) Low mountains Forests Wide river valleys Sand dunes

5 Major Industries Farming: crops such as wheat, barley, oats, flax, canola, mustard, potatoes, corn and sugar beats. Farming: raising cattle, pigs and poultry as well as other animals.

6 Industries..... Mining of fuel products such as Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Potash, Copper, Zinc, Gold and Uranium is important to this region.

7 Industries... Forests: Many of the forests in this regions are used for Lumber. Tourism: tourists travel to this area for Rodeos, agricultural shows, Stampedes, recreation and to enjoy the Beautiful Landscape. Wind Energy: IT can be very windy on the plains. This energy can be harnessed and turned into electricity a-The-Interior-Plains

8 People and Climate More people live in the southern area of the region. Towns and cities are usually built by a lake or a river. The climate is generally dry. It can be warm in the summer and cold and snowy in the winter.

9 Major Cities Edmonton Calgary Regina Winnipeg Saskatoon

10 Animals on the Plains Sparrows, Hawks, Squirrels, Burrowing Owls, Badgers, Beavers and Canada Geese are some of the birds and smaller animals found in this region. Deer, Moose, Coyotes and Antelope also live in this region.

11 The Plains Region has distinct seasons. Summers are usually warm and the winters are cold. In the Northern part of the region it is colder with more precipitation. The Central part of the region is warmer with a longer growing season. In the far South it can be dry and desert like. Frost is always a concern for farmers in this area. In the Southwestern area of the region Chinooks can occur. They are warm dry winds which can raise the temperature quickly. CLIMATE

12 The-Interior-Plains Click the above link for a short video about the Plains

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