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US and Canada Geography. How did people get here?  Thousands of years ago the first people came to North America  Came from Asia  Most likely got here.

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Presentation on theme: "US and Canada Geography. How did people get here?  Thousands of years ago the first people came to North America  Came from Asia  Most likely got here."— Presentation transcript:

1 US and Canada Geography

2 How did people get here?  Thousands of years ago the first people came to North America  Came from Asia  Most likely got here by walking across a land bridge that is no longer there  Early people were Nomads  Meaning people who move from place to place with no permanent home

3 Bering Strait

4 Breakdown of Canada  Provinces and Territories  Provinces are similar to our states  All are English speaking with the exception of Quebec

5 What does Canada look like?  Over half of Canada is covered by forests  Great Plains of Canada also includes much of North America’s best farmland  The Rocky Mountains also split the country just like they split the US – also known as the Continental Divide

6 Canada’s Resources  Great Lakes – major shipping routes  Mackenzie River – longest river in Canada  Canada also has large quantities of minerals and fossil fuels  Forests = lumber  Most important resource – LAND =farming

7 Human Environment Interaction  St. Lawrence Seaway  Joint project between Canada and US  Seaway connects great lakes to Atlantic Ocean through a series of locks  video video

8 Government in Canada  Parliamentary Gov. – system in which legislative and executive functions are combined in a legislature called a Parliament  The majority’s party’s leader in Parliament becomes Prime Minister or head of the Government

9 Sub Regions of Canada  Atlantic Provinces Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island New Brunswick New Brunswick Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Newfoundland Newfoundland  Only 8 percent of population  Hard living conditions  Many resources

10 Core Provinces  Core Provinces Quebec Quebec Ontario Ontario  3 out of 5 Canadians live here  Political and economic center

11  Prairie Provinces Manitoba Manitoba Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Alberta Alberta  Canada’s breadbasket  Cultural mix of people

12  Pacific Province and Territories British Columbia British Columbia Nunavut Nunavut Yukon Territory Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Northwest Territories  Western most Province is BC  Territories make up 41 percent of Canada’s land

13 Canada Terms  Rocky Mountains  Great Plains  Permafrost  Prevailing Westerlies  Beringia  Parlimentary Government  Prime Minister  Praliament  First Nations

14 Homework  Canada vs. USA  Literacy rates…find them  Population differences….find them  Chapter 8 Sec. 1 Places and Terms and Main Ideas Sec. 1 Places and Terms and Main Ideas Sec. 2 Places and Terms and Main Ideas Sec. 2 Places and Terms and Main Ideas

15 United States  Government  Democracy  Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches

16 Important Geography  Rocky Mountains = Continental Divide  Mississippi = longest North American River  Midwest = Bread basket of America Due to the agricultural heritage Due to the agricultural heritage

17 Terms to know  Megalopolis  Large cities and their suburbs  Urban Sprawl  Poorly planned development that continues to spread a city wider and wider  Service Industry  Economic activity that produces a service

18 Terms  Columbian Exchange  Exchange of plants animals and disease  Urbanization  The dramatic rise in the number of cities and the changes in lifestyle that result  Infrastructure  Basic support systems needed to keep an economy going…power, roads, sewer

19 Challenges to America  Terrorism  Energy  Economy  What else???

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