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ball doll bicycle kite toy bear sweet bag book What’s this? It’s a _____.

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Presentation on theme: "ball doll bicycle kite toy bear sweet bag book What’s this? It’s a _____."— Presentation transcript:


2 ball doll bicycle kite toy bear sweet bag book What’s this? It’s a _____.

3 Guess: What’s this? Is it a ____? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

4 Guess: What’s this? Is it a ____? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

5 Guess: What’s this? Is it a ____? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

6 Happy New Year! year 年 ear 耳朵 hear 听 dear 亲爱的 The same to you!

7 A gift for you! Thank you!

8 gift

9 present

10 -Happy New Year! -A gift for you. -Thank you. -You’re welcome.

11 What’s this? It’s a card.

12 Make a card 做一张卡片

13 What do you need? 你需要些什么? I need paper. a pencil a rubber a ruler some crayons (一些蜡笔)

14 Step 1: Draw a picture.

15 What can you draw? I can draw _______. a flower (some flowers) a butterfly a bird a bear a girl

16 Step 2: Write "Happy New Year".

17 Step 3: Fold the card.

18 Let’s make a card!Draw a picture! Let’s write “Happy New Year”.Fold the card. 1 2 34

19 Happy New Year! A ____ for you. Thank you. A ____ for you.

20 firework fireworks

21 firecracker firecrackers

22 A ______ for you.

23 -Happy New Year! -A gift for you. -Thank you. What is it? -Open it and see. -Wow, a toy bear. How nice! I like it very much. Thank you. -You’re welcome. ______ __

24 Homework 1. 抄写( A 号本): gift card firecracker firework( 每个 2 行,每行 4 遍),明天交。 3. 复习 P42-43 ,大声读三遍。


26 gift

27 What’s this? It’s a card.

28 firework

29 firecracker

30 -Happy New Year! -A gift for you. -Thank you.

31 Make a card 做一张卡片

32 What do you need? 你需要些什么? I need paper. a pencil a rubber a ruler some crayons (一些蜡笔)

33 Step 1: Draw a picture.

34 What can you draw? I can draw _______. a flower (some flowers) a butterfly a bird a bear a girl

35 Step 2: Write "Happy New Year".

36 Step 3: Fold the paper.


38 What do you like? I like bears. balls dolls bicycles kites bears sweets bags books firecrackers fireworks

39 Let’s go shopping.

40 I like the _______.

41 I like the ______ _______.

42 I like the ________.

43 _____ for you, Mum and Dad. Happy New Year!

44 ____: Happy new year, Mum. Mum: Happy new year, _____. Here's your gift money. ____: Thank you. I need a _____. Mum: Let's go shopping. ____: O.k. Oh! I like the ____ ____. Mum: Have a try! Oh! It's so ____.(cool/nice/beautiful) ____: I like it. _____ for you. Shop assistant: Thank you. ____: Haha ! I can buy ____ in the shop.

45 I can buy (买 ) gifts in the shop . balls dolls bicycles kites bears sweets bags books

46 I can buy 买 cards in the shop . 商店

47 firecracker firecrackers firework firworks I can buy ____ s in the shop .

48 1. 表演 P44shopping game 。 2. 造句: I can buy ____s in the shop. 3. 订正 B 本。 4. 拓展表演:第 44 张 PPT

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