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Aim: What happens in Act 2 that adds to the rising action (tension) of the play? Do Now: Why are Cassio & Des worried in Act 1? (51, 100-103) Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What happens in Act 2 that adds to the rising action (tension) of the play? Do Now: Why are Cassio & Des worried in Act 1? (51, 100-103) Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What happens in Act 2 that adds to the rising action (tension) of the play? Do Now: Why are Cassio & Des worried in Act 1? (51, 100-103) Discussion Starter: How would you describe Cassio’s character in your own words? What are your first impressions of him? Lesson: Taking A Closer Look at Act 2 Cassio’s Character Iago’s View of Women….and everyone, actually Tuesday: Wrapping-Up Act 2 Iago’s Plot Why the Other Character’s Don’t Catch On Foreshadowing the Tragic Events Ahead

2 First Impressions of Cassio How would you describe Cassio’s character in your own words? What have you noticed about his character?

3 Analyzing Cassio’s Character How does Cassio treat Desdemona when she arrives in Cyprus? Why does he treat her this way? Act 2.1 lines 67-80  Describes how beautiful she is Act 2.1 lines 91-95  Kneels down to her Act 2.1 line 180  He takes her hand & they talk privately Act 2.2 line 20 & 29  Calls her exquisite & dear perfection Does this mean Cassio is in love with Desdemona? What does Cassio mean whe he calls Desdemona “our Captain’s captain?” (2.1.82)

4 Analyzing Cassio’s Character What do we find out about Cassio in Act 2? How does it fit his personality? He has a weakness for wine & women Flirtatious Flatters Desdemona Kisses Emilia too when she arrives (Act 2.1 line 107) Was raised to treat women well (Act 2.1 line 110-111) Will eventually have a relationship with Bianca, a prostitute Can’t Handle his Liquor (Act 2.3 line 34) Just takes one glass to get him drunk (Act 2.3 line 49) He has a bad temper when drunk  “Full of quarrel and offense” (Act 2.3 line 51)

5 We Know Cassio respects and wants to impress Othello by the Way He treats Desdemona…how do the other characters describe Othello? Look at Act 2.1 Lines 27-56 (p.61-63) What words do the other character’s use to describe him? Third Gentleman: noble, warlike Montano: commanding, full soldier, brave Cassio: prays for Othello’s safe arrival, looks sadly out to sea = worried about him, thanks the men for speaking highly of Othello This is the opposite of how Iago describes Othello

6 Iago’s View of Women….and everyone, actually What suspicions does Iago have about his wife? Thinks she has slept with Othello (Act 1) Thinks she has slept with Cassio (Act 2.3 line 405) How does Iago describe women in general? (Act 2.3 line 120-129) They pretend to be good wives but are all two faced “Bells in your parlors, wildcats in your kitchens” “Devils” “Players in your huswifery, and huswives in your beds” “You rise to play, and go to bed to work” What does Iago mean when he says, “I am nothing if not critical?”

7 Aim: What happens in Act 2 that adds to the rising action (tension) of the play? Do Now: How does Iago take things that are good and twist them into something evil to fulfill his evil ends? Lesson: Wrapping-Up Act 2  The Fight & Iago’s “Helpful Advice”  Iago Brainwashes Rodrigo using reason, logic & Des (Practice for Brainwashing Othello)  Iago’s Plot  Why the Other Character’s Don’t Catch On  Foreshadowing the Tragic Events Ahead  HW: Commit to a thesis topic & Print out Act 3 Analysis questions

8 How does Iago take things that are good and twist them into something evil to fulfill his evil ends? Act 1.1.160-175: Act 1.3.425-447: Act 2.1.175-193: Act 2.3.30-120: Act 2.3.355-382:

9 The Fight Act 2..3.143-265 Why does Iago make sure that Cassio gets drunk? What rumor does Iago start about Cassio? Why is Othello so upset about the fight between Roderigo, Montano, and Cassio? What is Cassio’s reaction to getting stripped of his lieutenancy?

10 What advice does he give to Cassio? Why is the seemingly good advice? How is he going to use good advice to use Cassio as a pawn in his evil plot? Act 2.3.277-355

11 How does Iago Brainwash Roderigo? Act 2.1.235-307 & Act2.3.385-404

12 Put the steps to Iago’s plot in order. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Roderigo, Montano, and Cassio fight Iago convinces Roderigo to stay in Cyprus Roderigo goes to tell Othello about the fight Iago convinces Cassio to go ask Desdemona for help Roderigo insults Cassio Iago convinces Roderigo that Desdemona loves Cassio and he should pick a fight with Cassio

13 Why the Other Character’s Don’t Catch On Why aren’t any of the characters able to see through Iago? Why don’t they catch on to his plot?

14 Foreshadowing the Tragic Events Ahead What does the line “give him defense against the elements, for I have lost him on a dangerous sea” mean? What is it foreshadowing? (2.1.50-51) What does Othello mean when he says, “If it were now to die, twere now to be most happy?” Why is this line a key line in the play?

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