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The Music of America What makes our music sound American? Copyright © 2005 - Frankel Consulting Services, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "The Music of America What makes our music sound American? Copyright © 2005 - Frankel Consulting Services, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Music of America What makes our music sound American? Copyright © 2005 - Frankel Consulting Services, Inc.

2 First, a look at Colonial America What was life like back then?

3 The Colonies

4 A Friends Meeting House


6 A Church

7 A Pharmacy

8 A Ship similar to the Mayflower

9 A Tavern

10 A Colonial Chap

11 Betsy Ross

12 The Militia

13 A Town Crier

14 A Slave

15 What type of music was popular? Depends on who you talked to.

16 There were many types of early settlers in the Colonies Those seeking religious freedom (the Puritans) Those who were sent to the colonies because they were “undesirable” Those who were seeking their fortunes

17 All of these people brought with them their culture. Their culture included their language, their traditions, and their MUSIC.

18 The Puritans Believed that music outside of church was evil. Published the first music in the colonies: Bay Psalm Book - circa 1640 Music within the church service never used instruments, only the voice

19 The “Other” Colonists Music was a large part of their social lives - dancing & singing Drinking songs were very popular - began in England and continued here Many songs just contained new words about Colonial life, and used the old English melodies Instruments were played to accompany the songs

20 What types of instruments did they have back then?

21 The Harpsichord

22 Zithers, Violins & Lutes


24 The Fife and the Drum

25 It is important to remember that two different types of music were existing side by side in early colonial America Sacred & Secular

26 Sacred Music was always made in a Church, without instruments

27 Secular Music was played at home, or at the local tavern.

28 The first pieces of published Secular music were called Penny Broadsides



31 Penny Broadsides were printed on small pieces of paper and sold for one penny in the town square each day.

32 They contained small news articles of various interests, and they contained words to songs (usually political) that were to be sung to familiar English folk tunes.

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