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Web Performance Engineering Ganesh Sahai. Agenda Introduction Background Context What How Case Study Evolving to Next Level.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Performance Engineering Ganesh Sahai. Agenda Introduction Background Context What How Case Study Evolving to Next Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Performance Engineering Ganesh Sahai

2 Agenda Introduction Background Context What How Case Study Evolving to Next Level

3 Background Context Movement to hosted application Mails- Gmail, Yahoo etc., apps…Google Docs, Zoho etc. social media…facebook …Cloud applications Imagine following scenarios Takes 5-10 secs to open an email Takes 2-3 secs for the typed text to display etc. How fast is fast enough?…depends on the users on what they are doing? how well they are engaged or messaged? how well they are educated? Most important…what is their overall experience? to what granular level they can register (can they register if something was taking 20 microsecs and now takes 10 microseconds…50% reduction!). Are there cumulative cases? how soon they get used to it. ( My first PC was 32 MB RAM and now it is 2 GB!!!. The net connection speeds are going up!) how the competitors are gearing up

4 We are talking about times where everything would be on Web and in fact the next stages are 3D and hybrid experiences on the web. All in All… Performance is the key and “What” to measure and “How” to measure and fix forms the most critical part of the performance engineering

5 What? for business/users Turnaround time to customers The various functionalities The expectations ( scalability etc.) for testers to measure specific user scenarios benchmarks environmental conditions network conditions Machine states DB states for developers to fix

6 How? For testers How to measure the various values for various scenarios Manual Automated using tool Automated using custom scripts/tools For developers do root cause analysis To fix and send back to test Measuring user satisfaction Session with Power users Surveys NPS/CSAT Tracking and trending support issues

7 What more… …Still Learning…

8 Contact… mob : 9810222312 twitter : gsahai facebook, LinkedIn


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