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The (Elusive?) Quest for Coherence in Global Negotiations and Norms: The Case of TRIPS and CBD WTO Public Forum 17 Sept. 2010 Martin Girsberger Swiss Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "The (Elusive?) Quest for Coherence in Global Negotiations and Norms: The Case of TRIPS and CBD WTO Public Forum 17 Sept. 2010 Martin Girsberger Swiss Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The (Elusive?) Quest for Coherence in Global Negotiations and Norms: The Case of TRIPS and CBD WTO Public Forum 17 Sept. 2010 Martin Girsberger Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property 13.06.2016...1

2 Overview  Coherence & mutual supportiveness  Focus: disclosure requirements  Approach by Switzerland: National level: Patent Act International level: WIPO, WTO, CBD 13.06.2016...2

3 Coherence & Mutual Supportiveness  Important elements: balanced, comprehensive approach no conflict no hierarchy  Where? national positions international instruments their national implementation  Two sides of same coin 13.06.2016...3

4 International Fora 13.06.2016...4

5 International Fora 13.06.2016...5

6 Swiss Patent Act — Basics  In force: 1 July 2008  Objective: transparency in access & benefit sharing 13.06.2016...6

7 Swiss Patent Act — Scope  “Genetic resources”  “TK related to genetic resources”  Consistency with international instruments on access & benefit sharing 13.06.2016...7

8 Swiss Patent Act — “Source”  Multitude of entities involved in access & benefit-sharing  Broad concept of “source,” including: providing country Multilateral System indigenous peoples ex situ collections 13.06.2016...8

9 Swiss Patent Act — Sanctions  Pre-grant  Post-grant: fine (≤ CHF 100,000) publication of ruling (≠ revocation of granted patent) 13.06.2016...9

10 International Approach by Switzerland Patent Act  basis for Swiss position in:  WIPO: PCT proposals  WTO: proponent of TN/C/W/52  CBD negotiations 13.06.2016...10

11 Proposed Amendment of WIPO-PCT  Proposal: specific text amendments for disclosure of source requirement (~ Swiss Patent Act) concerns international patent applications  Coherence: PCT = IP instrument 13.06.2016...11

12 Additional Proposal – Notification System WIPO/CBD to establish on-line list of government agencies competent to receive information on declaration of source 13.06.2016...12

13 WTO – Proposal for Negotiation Mandate  Document TN/C/W/52: proposes Ministerial decision defining principal parameters of negotiations on disclosure requirement in TRIPS Details to be negotiated supported by 108 Members  Coherence: TRIPS = IP instrument 13.06.2016...13

14 Disclosure Requirement in ABS Protocol  Pros: Protocol = ABS instrument “quick fix”  Cons: Protocol ≠ IP instrument Risk of blocking negotiations ≠ USA

15 Summary & Conclusions  Swiss approach (disclosure requirements): Patent Act WIPO – WTO – CBD  Coherence & mutual supportiveness: crucial guiding principles and objectives at international and national level

16 Further Information  (-> legal information -> legal areas -> intellectual property and sustainable development)  13.06.2016...16

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