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Catalyst Pick up ALL work and put work into your folders Answer the following questions on a sticky note: 1.What is a protein? 2.What is the monomer of.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst Pick up ALL work and put work into your folders Answer the following questions on a sticky note: 1.What is a protein? 2.What is the monomer of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst Pick up ALL work and put work into your folders Answer the following questions on a sticky note: 1.What is a protein? 2.What is the monomer of a protein? 3.What is the function of a protein? 4.Give 2 examples of a protein.

2 Catalyst

3 Agenda Biomolecules and Enzyme Review Power point Videos Kahoot Sink or Swim TEST TOMORROW

4 Biomolecules and Enzymes I can compare the structures and functions of the 4 major biological molecules.

5 Carbohydrate Sugar or starch Monosaccharide and polysaccharide Energy and structure Examples: Glycogen, starch, cellulose, glucose Related organelles: Mitochondria: uses carbohydrates (sugar) to make energy Chloroplast: uses CO 2 and sunlight to make carbohydrates

6 Lipid Fats, oils, and waxes Glycerol and fatty acids Form boundaries (makes up the cell membrane), insulation, and protection Examples: – lard – vegetable oil – Fats Organelle: – Cell membrane

7 Protein Meat, fish, nuts, enzymes, and polypeptides Amino Acid – FUNCTION OF THE PROTEIN CHNAGES WHEN THE ORDER OF THE AMINO ACIDS CHANGE Does the work of the cell, speeds up chemical reactions (enzymes), and builds muscles Examples: – Enzymes – Hemoglobin – insulin Organelle: – Ribosome

8 Enzymes Enzyme: proteins that speed up chemical reactions Enzymes are catalysts they speed up the reaction by lowering the energy needed for a reaction We need enzymes for every process that happens in our bodies! For example: Digesting food and moving around

9 Enzymes

10 Enzymes are specific They only work with one substrate The enzyme and the substrate fit together like a lock and a key

11 Enzymes Enzymes are reusable: – They are not changed during a reaction This means that they can be used again – The substrate is changed: it becomes the products

12 What effects enzymes? Denature - take away or alter the natural qualities enzyme changes shape so it no longer works

13 Destroying Enzymes Enzymes are denatured by: EXTREME (HIGH and LOW) pH and EXTREME TEMPERATURES

14 Nucleic Acid DNA and RNA Nucleic Acids Nitrogenous bases – Adenine – Thymine – Guanine – Cytosine Carries genetic information and helps in protein synthesis (protein making) Organelle: – NUCLEUS

15 Enzymes



18 Review mZw&index=1&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1EoPeKlyuK R7obb5OKLSnTN mZw&index=1&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1EoPeKlyuK R7obb5OKLSnTN 5bug&index=2&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1EoPeKlyu KR7obb5OKLSnTN 5bug&index=2&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1EoPeKlyu KR7obb5OKLSnTN

19 Agenda Biomolecules and Enzyme Review Power point Videos Kahoot Sink or Swim TEST TOMORROW

20 Kahoot

21 Sink or Swim 1.Two teams 2.First student in line is asked a question, if they get it CORRECT they stay standing and get to SINK someone on the OTHER TEAM. If they get the question INCORRECT, they SINK (sit down). 3.First student on the other team is asked a question, if they get the question CORRECT they stay standing and can SAVE a TEAMMATE or SINK the OTHER TEAM. 4.Goes back and forth between teams.

22 What is the monomer of a protein?

23 What is the monomer of a carbohydrate?

24 What is the function of a protein?

25 What is an example of a protein?

26 What is an example of a nucleic acid?

27 Which biomolecule: Amino acid

28 Which biomolecule: RNA

29 Which biomolecule: Hemoglobin

30 Which biomolecule: DNA

31 Which biomolecule: Oil

32 Which biomolecule: Monosaccharide

33 Which biomolecule: Enzyme

34 Which biomolecule: Glycerol and Fatty Acid

35 Which biomolecule: Nucleotide

36 Which biomolecule: Polysaccharide

37 Which biomolecule: Starch

38 Which biomolecule: Sugar

39 Which biomolecule: Glucose

40 Which biomolecule: Chicken

41 Which biomolecule: Denature

42 Which biomolecule: Catalase

43 Which biomolecule: Bread

44 Which biomolecule: Fat

45 Which biomolecule: Carries genetic information

46 Which biomolecule: Energy storage

47 Which biomolecule: Builds muscles

48 What is the monomer of a nucleic acid?

49 What is an enzyme?

50 Which experiment could be conducted to determine if baked potato chips have less fat than fried potato chips? A.Place potato chips in water and test the pH B.Place potato chips on a paper bag and test for oil spots. C.Mix crushed potato chips with iodine to observe color change. D.Mix crushed potato chips with Benedict’s solution to observe color change.










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