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Holes Assessment PEE Paragraphs!.

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1 Holes Assessment PEE Paragraphs!

2 Learning Objective To become familiar with the reading-response strategy ‘PEE’

3 Today you are going to learn….
how to PEE!

4 First you need to make a POINT
You need to say something about the way the writer has written the story. As you progress you’ll get better at making your own points!

5 What does the opening sentence suggest about the setting?
There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. There once was a very large lake here, the largest lake in Texas. That was over a hundred years ago. Now it is just a dry, flat wasteland.

6 Making Points Turn these questions into answers to help you make a point. What does this opening sentence suggest about the setting? The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place.

7 Turn these Questions into Answers
Why do you think Sachar chose these words to describe the lake? Oral rehearsal – get A to ask question and B to answer (swap for each screen). Model written response on board.

8 Turn these Questions into Answers
What do these verbs suggest about the lake?

9 Turn these Questions into Answers
Why is it important that we know how hot it is on the lake?

10 Now at the extract. Answer each question using a full sentence to help you make points. Write your answers in full sentences.

11 Next, you have to give Evidence
A good text detective always gives evidence! You have to prove what you are saying by using words from the story as evidence.

12 The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place.
Find Your Evidence The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake

13 Words from the story go in quotation marks.
The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. “There is no lake at Camp Green Lake”

14 Make it flow – add a sentence starter to link it.
The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. The writer says that “There is no lake at Camp Green Lake”

15 So you end up with… The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. The writer says that “there is no lake at Camp Green Lake.” POINT LINK SENTENCE EVIDENCE

16 Lastly, you have to Explain
This quote shows us that… This means to explain to your reader WHY your chosen quote proves what you said in your point.

17 You have just used PEE! The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. The writer says that “there is no lake at Camp Green Lake.” This makes it sound like a strange place. Also, maybe it’s not really as nice as it sounds.

18 The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place
The opening sentence suggests that the setting is not a nice place. The writer says that “there is no lake at Camp Green Lake.” This makes it sound like a strange place. Also, maybe it’s not really as nice as it sounds.

19 Add a link phrase to join the point and evidence.
The writer uses verbs to describe what happened to the town “The town shriveled and dried up” Now add your own explain This makes the reader feel… This makes the place sound… The verbs emphasize…

20 Copy and Complete The weather is ______________ at Camp Green Lake. We learn that it’s “__________________”. This shows the reader that life is very ______________________________ .

21 PEE Grid Point Evidence Explain At the start of the extract we learn there is no lake at camp green lake. “There is no lake at camp green lake” This makes it sound like a strange place. Also, maybe it’s not really as nice as it sounds. The writer uses verbs to describe what happened to the town. The lake does not seem The weather is not nice at Camp Green Lake. The writer wants us to realize… because… Another bad thing about the Camp is the creatures that live there. This makes the camp sound… because…

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