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Warm-Up: 2 minutes For every warm-up, write and underline the date. Answer the warm-up. Answer the below questions over my expectations and procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: 2 minutes For every warm-up, write and underline the date. Answer the warm-up. Answer the below questions over my expectations and procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: 2 minutes For every warm-up, write and underline the date. Answer the warm-up. Answer the below questions over my expectations and procedures. 1.When the bell rings, what do I expect? 2.If there is a handout, where will it be? 3.What do you do if you don’t have something to write with? 4.You’ve already received a warning for having your phone out in a red zone but I catch you with it out…again. What happens next?

2 Monomer vs. Polymer : 5 minutes With your partner, create an analogy of a monomer vs. polymer. Each of you write it down in your warm-up. Be ready to share!

3 Monomer vs. Polymer Practice: 1.vs. _______________________________________ 2.vs. _______________________________________ 3.vs.

4 Any molecule that is made by a living organism (bio means life) We will be exploring 4 biomolecules: Carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

5 ORGANIC = compounds that contain a carbon-hydrogen bond INORGANIC= compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds

6 C H O H H C C C C C H H H H H H H H H O O O O O CO 2

7 lipid carbohydrate protein nucleic acid water most important inorganic compound in living things CO 2

8 Explain the relationship between each of the following: 1.Monomer and Polymer 2.Organic and Inorganic Molecule

9 W/Th Warm-Up: 3 minutes Answer the following warm-up in your spiral. 1.What is the term for a single building block? 2.What is the term for multiple monomers bonded together? 3.Is a carbohydrate a monomer or polymer?

10 C H O H H C C C C C H H H H H H H H H O O O O O

11 H H NC H R O OHOH C Amino Group Carboxyl Group “R” Group

12 Saturated Fatty Acid Unsaturated Fatty Acid Glycerol Fatty Acid Tail (unsaturated)


14 M Warm-Up: 4 minutes Turn in Lab Report to the tray! Make sure you write group members on your paper. 1.What is the function of a carbohydrate and the monomer? 2.Write this list of words and CIRCLE all the ones that are synonyms for a monomer and BOX all the ones that are a synonym for a polymer. Building blockmacromoleculesingle unit Biomoleculesmallest unit polysaccharide Monosaccharide Basic unit

15 Amoeba sisters overview

16 Monomer: Glucose (monosaccharide) Structure: C H O H H C C C C C H H H H H H H H H O O O O O Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) Function: provide the body with a quick energy source Examples: starch and sugar

17 Monomers: glycerol and fatty acids Functions: 1)long term energy storage 2)Insulation 3)Make up a cell membrane Examples: fats and waxes

18 Note the molecular structure’s “E” shape C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O C H C H C H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O C O O C H H O O C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O C C H C H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O C C H C H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H H made up of glycerolfatty acidsand

19 Monomer: Amino Acids Functions: building muscles, transport, and function as enzymes “R” is the functional group that varies N H H H O R C C O H examples: muscles, enzyme, nails, and hair (keratin)

20 an amino group are made up of and an “R” group which varies in the different amino acids a carboxyl group H H N C H R O OHOH C

21 Monomer: Nucleotide Function to store genetic information, help to make proteins examples: DNA and RNA

22 H H2H2 H H H3H3 H H H H H O O O CC C N N P O O O C C C C C O O O C C 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1.Phosphate Group 2.Sugar (Dexoyribose or Ribose) 3.Nitrogen Base Made up of a Nucleotide Draw This

23 Warm-up: 3 minutes In your spiral, identify the monomer AND the biomolecule. (ie. For each picture you are writing the monomer and biomolecule) 1.2. 3.4. Turn in Lab Report (1 day late). Turn in Biomolecule HW.

24 Warm-up: 4 minutes 1.Circle the terms that are a monomer and box those that are a polymer. 2. What can speed up chemical reactions and lower the activation energy? GlucoseLipids CarbohydrateAmino Acid Nucleic AcidGlycerol and fatty acids NucleotideProtein

25 Experimental Design and DRY MIX Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group Constants

26 independent variable the variable that is changed on purpose by the experimenter aka cause, stimulus, reason, manipulated variable, etc.

27 dependent variable the variable that responds aka effect(s), result(s), responding variable, etc.

28 control group the group (standard) to which everything is compared

29 Question: How does the amount of fertilizer added affect plant growth? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?

30 Results Copy the chart below and fill in. PineappleDay 2: Observations Cup A: raw pineapple Cup B: cooked pineapple

31 Conclusion Answer the following questions in your conclusion. 1. Restate your hypothesis. Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? Explain. 2. What effect did the raw pineapple have on the jello verses the cooked pineapple? Use evidence to support. 3. What effect did cooking have on the enzyme bromelain? Support your answer with facts from your results. 4. Identify the independent and dependent variable. 5. Write a statement that summarizes the effect of heat on enzymes.

32 Why are Enzymes Important? Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in your body by: 1. breaking molecules apart (ex: digestion) 2. Bringing molecules together

33 How Do Enzymes Function? Enzymes decrease the amount of energy reactions need to kick start the process. This is called the activation energy: the energy needed to start a reaction


35 Enzyme Characteristics Enzymes are specific: Only one type of substrate works! Enzymes are reuseable: Can be used over again and is not changed by a reaction Enzymes can denature: Change shape because of changes in temperature or pH

36 Factor That Affect Enzymes Temperature o High temperature can cause denaturation o Low temperature slows down the reaction

37 Optimum

38 1) Catalase is an enzyme. What type of molecule is catalase? a lipid a protein a nucleic acid a carbohydrate 2) Amylase is an enzyme that allows the human body to digest starch. Which of these diagrams best represents part of the structure of amylase? A B C D

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