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Marie Allansson Research Assistant/Information Officer News from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program.

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1 Marie Allansson Research Assistant/Information Officer News from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program



4 Origins: Data on State-based Armed Conflict An armed conflict is a contested incompatibility that concerns government and/or territory where the use of armed force between two parties, of which at least one is the government of a state, results in at least 25 battle- related deaths in one calendar year. Published yearly in the report series States in Armed Conflict since 1987, in the SIPRI Yearbook since 1988, the Journal of Peace Research since 1993.

5 2002: UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset, 1946-2001 Introduced in Nils Petter Gleditsch, Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg, and Håvard Strand. 2002. Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 39:5. An extension of the UCDP armed conflict data for the period 1989-2000, using the same definition, and adding 1946-1988 and 2001. Yearly updates by UCDP, published in JPR.

6 2004: Non-state Conflict 2002-2003 introduced in States in Armed Conflict 2003. Ralph Sundberg, Kristine Eck and Joakim Kreutz. 2012. Introducing the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 49:2. 1989-2011 Published in the Human Security Report. Ten-year overview in SIPRI yearbook.

7 2004: One-sided Violence 2002-2003 introduced in States in Armed Conflict 2003. Kristine Eck and Lisa Hultman. 2007. One-Sided Violence Against Civilians in War: Insights from New Fatality Data. Journal of Peace Research, 44:2. Published in the Human Security Report. Ten-year overview in SIPRI yearbook.

8 UCDP’s three categories of violence

9 2004: Yearly fatality estimates 2002-2003 introduced in States in Armed Conflict 2003. For all three forms of violence, including battle deaths for state-based armed conflicts. UCDP Battle-Related Deaths Dataset, 1989-2011.

10 2011: UCDP Georeferenced Event Data (UCDP GED) Event data on organised violence. Geocoded and disaggregated both temporally and spatially down to location-day levels. Additional geographical information on administrative divisions (two levels). Fatality estimates (best, low, high)

11 UCDP GED (cont.) Compatible with other UCDP data: - all events are part of UCDP types of violence (state-based, non-state, one-sided) - all events are part of UCDP conflicts and dyads - all actors are identified and are part of the UCDP Actor Dataset Compatible with PRIOGrid. Currently, a subset is available, covering all UCDP dyads in "active years" (>25 deaths/year). A release containing UCDP dyads in both active and non-active years (<25 in non-active years) is to be released in October. Second subset, Asia, is to be released in 2013.




15 UCDP GED derivatives Two derivatives of the UCDP have been produced: ->Standardized conflict zones (polygons) ->Raster/grid data (UCDP Raster)


17 2012: Expanding the Data on Non-state Conflicts Coding incompatibilities in non-state conflicts. Broader definition: water, grazing lands, political representation, lootable resources etc. Also coding external support. Pilot coding during the fall and next spring, starting with Africa.

18 2012: New version of the Peace agreement dataset UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset v. 1.0, 1989-2005, presented in Harbom, Lotta, Stina Högbladh and Peter Wallensteen. 2006. “Armed Conflict and Peace Agreements.” Journal of Peace Research 43(5). Three categories: full, partial and peace process agreements. 1975-2011 Scheduled release by the end of 2012.

19 Papers using UCDP GED, some examples: Special Data Feature on UCDP GED under review at Journal of Peace Research (Sundberg and Melander). This will be the official citation. Fjelde, Hanne, and Nina von Uexküll. Forthcoming 2013. Climate Triggers: Rainfall Anomalies, Vulnerability and Communal Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Political Geography. Sundberg, Ralph. 2012. Dangerous Minds: Attitudes and Value Change as a Consequence of War. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association.

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