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Consultant Interview Trials and tribulations. Application for CCT Rita G JCHST documents CV College notification form List of all appointments Signed.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultant Interview Trials and tribulations. Application for CCT Rita G JCHST documents CV College notification form List of all appointments Signed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultant Interview Trials and tribulations

2 Application for CCT Rita G JCHST documents CV College notification form List of all appointments Signed by post grad dean PMETB £ 780

3 What Job? Keep your options open Let people know What you ’ re interested in Finish date CV You can be interviewed 6/12 prior to your CCT BMJ careers What ’ s available Look at the job plans

4 It is not a job until it is in black & white & in the BMJ

5 CV Shortlist for that job! General contents Job Specification Your ‘ added value ’ SELL SELL SELL Presentation Spelling, tabulation Layout Show it to someone!

6 Short listed Pre-interview visits Where the interview begins Insights into the unit What they do and don ’ t want Have questions

7 Who to see? Lead clinician All consultant colleagues Managers Interview Panel Cancer lead Allied services Pathology Radiology Specialist nurses Ward / Clinic sister

8 If you want it Go and get it! Nothing is in the bag Don ’ t put your eggs in one basket

9 The Panel Chairman Chief Executive Medical Director Clinical Director Management Rep Consultant Colleagues University Rep College Rep Medical Staffing Rep

10 The Interview Prepare Practice Presentation Be confident and enthusiastic Engage Be honest Smile

11 It was a mistake for Eric to wear a t-shirt to his job interview, and it was a bigger mistake to wear that particular t-shirt.

12 The Questions Why this job? Why are you the best person for the job? What will you bring to the unit? Weaknesses / Threats Strengths



15 How do you deal with? Stress Criticism/Conflict Work/Life balance Change Haw do you measure success? Do you get angry? What ’ s the riskiest thing you have ever done?


17 Best / Worst Job Trainer Decision Prize/Paper/Presentation/Audit

18 Management Are you a good manager What training have you had? Manage people

19 Leadership Definition Leadership styles Are you a good leader What training have you had Where do you fit in ‘ the team ’

20 Teaching / Learning What training / feedback have you had in teaching How do you identify training needs Benchmarking / standards Audit Appraisal PDP personal dev plan Review / reassess Competence based training Continuous process

21 Clinical Governance The framework that helps organisations provide safe and high quality care Clinical Governance = Quality = Everyone

22 Research Value of Recent paper Best / recent paper you have read / published Difference between it and audit

23 The Lingo Hard working, enthusiastic, diligent, professional, responsible Determined, motivated Team player Enquiring Good communicator, compassionate Take on to much, perfectionist

24 NHS Structure Dept of Health Strategic Health Authorities Primary Care Trusts NHS Trusts v Foundation trusts Monitor

25 Recent changes NHS Plan Patient Choice Targets PBR Payment by results Private Finance Initiatives Independent treatment centres Diagnostic treatment centres Practice based commissioning

26 NICE 2005 Independent organisation Guidelines Public health Health technologies Clinical practice

27 National Service Frameworks Set clear quality requirements for care based on the beat available evidence of what treatments and services work most effectively for patients Offer strategies and support to help organisations achieve this

28 Healthcare Commission Inspecting, Informing, Improving Replaced CHI in April 04 Role Quality Setting standards Monitoring standards Informing standards Improving standards Enforcing standards Dealing with unresolved complaints Use of resources


30 Shipman Inquiry Bristol recommendations The Kennedy report MMC NHS plan July 2000 Wanless Report 2002, long term view Darzi report 2007, framework for London Tooke report Cancer Plan Caldicot guardian (Patient identification information)

31 Websites /ournhs NHS leadership team ‘ themonth ’ Kings Fund GMC DoH NICE (personality types)


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