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Caroline O’Brien.  Comprises two main lobes, each made of thousands of lobules.  Sheets of hepatocytes embedded in capillary network.  Dual blood supply;

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Presentation on theme: "Caroline O’Brien.  Comprises two main lobes, each made of thousands of lobules.  Sheets of hepatocytes embedded in capillary network.  Dual blood supply;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Caroline O’Brien

2  Comprises two main lobes, each made of thousands of lobules.  Sheets of hepatocytes embedded in capillary network.  Dual blood supply; portal vein and hepatic artery.  Capacity for regeneration.  Bile transported to duodenum and gallbladder.

3  Figure 1: Anatomy of the liver

4  Production of bile  Converting food to energy  Cleaning the blood  Blood clotting  Synthesis  Storage

5  End stage liver disease  Chronic and acute liver failure  Hepatitis  Alcoholic liver disease  Cancer  Primary biliary cirrhosis  Toxins  Hereditary conditions  Obesity

6  Figure 2: Primary liver disease leading to liver transplantation Europe, 1988 to 2009

7  Symptoms often vague  Risk factors  Jaundice  Swollen abdomen  Tenderness  Portal hypertension  Altered drug metabolism

8  Blood tests  Liver function tests  Imaging methods  Liver biopsy

9  Implemented February 27 2002.  Aim is to prioritise patients on waiting list.  Numerical scale ranging from 6 to 40.  Four levels in the MELD scale.  Incorporates bilirubin, INR and creatinine levels.  Study found MELD score an excellent predictor of patient survival.

10  Damage must be substantial to affect liver function.  Disease can be treated for a limited time using medication.  Only cure available currently is a liver transplant.

11  Removal, preparation and implantation of organs.  After incision, abdomen examined for abnormalities.  Isolation.  Transection  Implantation of new liver.  Control of bleeding.

12  Ireland, 2011 – 61 liver transplants  Britain, 2002 – 2007 – 3333 liver transplants  US centres for Disease Control and Prevention – 2004 – cirrhosis is 12 th leading cause of death of adults in US.

13  Figure 3: Growth in annual number of liver transplants carried out in Europe

14  Exploratory use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in a CMR suite.  Robot assistance in liver surgery as an advantage over a laparoscopic approach.  Effect of active airway warming on body core temperature during adult liver transplantation.

15  Study into in vivo suppression of HIV by antigen specific T cells derived from engineered hematopoietic stem cells.  Study carried out into an umbilical cord- derived mesenchymal stem cell transfusion in primary biliary cirrhosis.

16  Functions of the liver  Causes of end stage liver disease  Diagnosis  Treatments  Clinical trials  Stem cells

17  (1) Stanford Children’s Health, Anatomy and Function of the Liver. P03069 P03069  (2)  (3) John Hopkins Medicine, Liver Transplantation Procedure. _procedure_92,P07698/ _procedure_92,P07698/  (4) NHS choices, Liver Transplant – Why is it needed.  (5) Health Communities, Liver Disease Causes and Risk Factors.  (6) Blanchier M, Leleu H, Peck-Radosavljevic M et al. The Burden of Liver Disease. European Association for the Study of the Liver. 2013.  (7) Sutter Health, CPMC, MELD and the waiting list for liver transplantation.  (8) Botta F, Giannini E, Romagnoli P et al. MELD scoring system is useful for predicting prognosis in patients with liver cirrhosis and is correlated with residual liver function: a European study. GUT, An International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2013; 52(1): 134-139.  (9) Division of Transplant Surgery, Liver Transplantation.

18 (10) Cunningham P, Counihan A, Fitzmaurice A et al. National Organ Procurement Service Annual Report 2011. 2011. (11) British Liver Trust, Facts about liver disease. (12) Reddy ST, Thai NL, Fakhri AA et al. Exploratory use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in liver transplantation as a one-stop shop for preoperative cardiohepatic evaluation. 2013 Nov 15; 96(9):827- 33. (13) Troisi RI, Patriti A, Montalti R et al. Robot assistance in liver surgery: a real advantage over a fully laparoscopic approach? Results of a comparative bi-institutional analysis. 2013 Jun; 9(2):160-6. (14) Han SB, Gwak MS, Choi SJ et al. Effect of active airway warming on body core temperature during adult liver transplantation. 2013 Jan-Feb; 45(1):251-4. (15) Kitchen SG, Levin BR, Bristol G et al. In vivo suppression of HIV by antigen specific T-cells derived from engineered hematopoietic stem cells. 2012;8(4). (16) Wang L, Li J, Liu H et al. Pilot study of umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cell transfusion in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. 2013 Aug; 28 Suppl1:85-92. mary+biliary mary+biliary

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