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Tim Gregory Corporate Director Environment and Resources Services for Schools.

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1 Tim Gregory Corporate Director Environment and Resources Services for Schools

2 Future Strategy We are committed to continuing to provide you with the best service possible at the best price We are aware that our relationship with schools and academies is changing, for example given academy conversions and changes to schools funding regimes The local authority also faces very significant financial challenges An organisational review of all services through a base budget review exercise is being conducted Service quality based upon performance measures and customer feedback is being assessed We will also be comparing our offer to those available in the market This will help inform our future strategy going forward and this will be service dependent

3 Where we started…

4 Update Overall positive feedback received about the new look Services for Schools brochure We will be launching an updated version for 2013/14 which we hope to post out to schools ready for January term We have improved and simplified the electronic ordering process and this will be launched in January The intranet version remains the definitive version and contains enhanced information about our service packages We will endeavour to hold prices where possible There are some new services for you to consider

5 Marketplace Events We will be holding two, full day Marketplace events as follows Thursday 31 January 2013 – Mansfield Civic Centre Friday 01 February 2013 – National Water Sports Centre, Sports Hall We will be contacting you in the New Year to ascertain which of these events you would wish to attend The events are aimed at Head Teachers, School Business Managers and Governors and will provide you with an opportunity to meet our service providers face to face

6 School Broadband Costs The Schools’ Forum has always supported a centrally funded service due to high cost variations and to secure best value for money Changes to the funding formula for 2013-14 will see these budgets and costs delegated to all schools for the first time Academy schools already pay for their broadband costs Funding will be distributed on a per pupil basis, but broadband costs are not related to school size

7 School Broadband Options Commercial ISPs will offer broadband internet connections. The normal business service is offered on a 1:20 ratio (so sharing the connection between 20 business users). Pricing is based on speed of connection, uplifted for proximity to the local exchange. Schools can retain the broadband network connection to the County Council. This is not a shared solution (you access the full bandwidth), provides internet access too but as the connection is into a network it also provides a series of secure services. The leased router is also included. The County Council charges £6k per annum for a 10Mbps connection and £12k per annum for a 100Mbps connection. This remains competitive when compared with commercial offerings.

8 School Broadband Implications The County Council proposes to continue its current charging policy based on speed of connection, but to apply it to all schools from April 2013. This is a similar basis to commercial arrangements Schools will be able to upgrade their connection to higher speeds if they choose, which incurs a one-off upgrade fee (this is different for each site and based on location) The County Council has considered a charging policy based on pupil numbers to reflect how funds are delegated, but this is highly unlikely to be viable, even in the short to medium term The pricing policy does disadvantage smaller schools that receive less funding, but have similar broadband requirements

9 School Broadband Implications The County Council proposes to continue its current charging policy based on speed of connection, but to apply it to all schools from April 2013. This is a similar basis to commercial arrangements Schools will be able to upgrade their connection to higher speeds if they choose, which incurs a one-off upgrade fee (this is different for each site and based on location) The County Council has considered a charging policy based on pupil numbers to reflect how funds are delegated, but this is highly unlikely to be viable, even in the short to medium term The pricing policy does disadvantage smaller schools that receive less funding, but have similar broadband requirements

10 Kevin Mckay Group Manager - Catering & Facilities Management Environment & Resources Services for Schools

11 Primary School Meals Service Meal selling price held at £2 for 3 years as a result of the school lunch grant and increased volume of sales Take-up risen from 37% to 45% 8,500 responses received from pupils to questionnaire circulated 93% of respondents consider it to be either average (20%), good (48%) or very good(25%) value for money Now providing 2,188 extra meals per day based on same period in 2009 (24,500 per day)

12 Primary School Meals Nottinghamshire has delegated individual schools catering budgets since 2001 272 schools currently operate within the County Service Level Agreement 13 schools currently manage the catering service themselves 0 primary schools have contracted out their service to the private sector Assumption has been made that a preference remains to provide schools with a Countywide SLA.

13 Primary & Special School Meals School lunch grant based on pupil roll numbers, 7 pence per pupil per day (£13 per year per pupil) to remain as is Proposed change to Free Meal Charges:- –Entitlement value delegated for 2012/13 was £1.537 per meal, average take-up against registered entitlement is 80% –Propose to charge schools for the number of free meals ordered, linked to selling price –Impact on schools varies depending on free meal roll numbers. Based on 2012/13 take up 75% of schools sit between + or - £1k per annum difference –We will be transparent over charges and we will ensure paid meals don’t subsidise free meal costs

14 Equipment and Premises Each school in 2012/2013 received £2,636 per kitchen for equipment maintenance and replacement –ovens, fridges, freezers, light equipment such as knives, forks –financially contributes to cost of setting up furniture including seating for children bringing in packed lunches Also a sum is delegated at £13.70 per sq metre of kitchen space for premises (delegated amounts range from £200 to £5k but mostly between £1.2k and £3k) Covers cost of maintenance to floors, walls, pest control, fan cleaning, redecoration and minor improvements. Propose to combine charge to be an approximate £3.6k one off charge per school/year, but no future opt in or out of the premise element. Academies and self managed schools (outside of the SLA) will be responsible for their own equipment and servicing costs, on an item by item basis

15 Milk Supply –Milk is currently supplied free to pupils in receipt of free meals between the ages of 5 & 7 years old –Funding of £142K has been retained centrally to cover this cost. –Funding will now be delegated in formula and should schools wish to continue with this non- statutory policy then Cool Milk will from April invoice schools directly for free milk supplied.

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