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If you’ve already worked with us, you’ll know what a fantastic opportunity it is for your children to be part of the Playing for Success (PfS) initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "If you’ve already worked with us, you’ll know what a fantastic opportunity it is for your children to be part of the Playing for Success (PfS) initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you’ve already worked with us, you’ll know what a fantastic opportunity it is for your children to be part of the Playing for Success (PfS) initiative. We provide after school study support programmes based at exciting sporting locations across the city which have been shown to raise achievement and attainment in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. You may be aware that the central government grant provided to support PfS ended at the end of March 2011 with the proviso that we are able to carry funding through to the end of August 2011. We are now in a position to give you a clearer picture as to how this successful programme has responded in order to meet the future needs of the city’s children: We have concentrated our programme and resources into two of the four centres: the Learning Zone at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield and the Sharks’ Think Tank at Concord Sports Centre. Playing for Success centres are now to be renamed as Enriched Learning Centres which are part of the newly established Combined Enrichment Service. ENRICHED LEARNING CENTRES Contact Us: Robert Walker Senior Study Support Consultant: 07876137232 Sharks’ Think Tank: Sarah Carpenter 0114 2571162 EIS Sheffield Learning Zone: Mike Taylor 0114 2424937 We have strong support from our partner organisations Sheffield Sharks Basketball Club, The English Institute for Sport and Sheffield International Venues. This will continue to give access to a business link and similarly the positive role models that sport produces. This is particularly useful for broadening children’s understanding in the run up to the London 2012 Olympics. We are also currently developing our offer to include study support at a number of Vocational Skills Training Centres (Red Tape Studios, Construction and Design Centre, Engineering Centre and Sheaf Health and Well Being Centre) as well as planning to provide a mobile facility to supplement visits to the centres.

2 What we can provideWhat we ask from the school ◘ Access to Learning Centres at inspirational venues. ◘ High levels of contact with professional sportsmen and women ◘ High quality, personalised study support for children delivered by qualified teachers which has an evidence base which demonstrates a positive impact upon formal attainment in Literacy and Maths. ◘ A pack of individual pupil reports containing detailed assessment data. ◘ A post-programme visit in order to evaluate successes and plan future support. ◘ Flexibility of programme model and focus. ◘ Access to state of the art I.T. Equipment for every child. ◘ Pupils’ hours of study accredited to the Children’s University scheme ◘ Pupils will receive a centre branded folder with full colour copies of all their work. ◘ An identified school contact/link person. ◘ An understanding of and support for the project from the senior leadership in the school. ◘ Some commitment from the school community to visit the children in the centre and share in the excitement and learning gains. ◘ This service is charged at £90 per hour for a group of 15 pupils. ◘ A school may wish to choose to use any number of slots, for any duration at any time during the day, evenings or holidays. We stress that going forward although we have fewer centres, we now have more flexibility to meet the needs of our schools. Previously because of a generous central government subsidy, schools had received: preparation visits from staff, 21 hours of targeted after-school study support for 15 children within the centres, return escorted transport, access to a celebration event and a follow up joint evaluation visit for a £350 contribution. However, this activity had to be conducted at specific times; 3.00 – 6.00 on weekday evenings. Bookings can now be taken at times and patterns that are at the school’s discretion. We are aware that a number of schools will be taking up this offer quickly so we would ask you to signify your intentions on the fax-back form below before the end of Friday 27th May. We will then contact you further to clarify and formalise your request. We ask therefore that you give the enclosed form your immediate attention, even if you have worked with us before, and return it to us either electronically, by fax or post at the Bannerdale Centre by the end of Wednesday 25th May 2011.

3 Lifelong Learning, Skills and Communities If you wish to apply for this programme please complete the expression of interest form below and return to :- Rob Walker: Senior Study Support Consultant Lifelong Learning Skills and Communities Room 141, Bannerdale Centre, 125 Carterknowle Road, Sheffield S7 2EX Or FAXBACK to 0114 250 6859 Or by email to Enriched Learning Centres 2011-12 Registration of Interest Form Name and position………………………………………….. School………………………………………… I would like our school to participate in the Playing for Success (Enriched Learning Centre) programme and will commit to between 2-11 hours I would like our school to participate in the Playing for Success (Enriched Learning Centre) programme and will commit to between 12- 21 I would like our school to participate in the Playing for Success (Enriched Learning Centre) programme and will commit to over 21-31 hours If you already have an idea of which children and what area you would like to focus upon or have any further questions please outline here. Signed……………………………………….. Date……………………………………………….. I Please return by Wednesday 25th May Please note – even if you have worked with us before, you must return this expression of interest form in order to secure your place.

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