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Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrate Class Aves and Class Mammalia.

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1 Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrate Class Aves and Class Mammalia






7 Distinguishing Characteristics  Feathers cover skin = - light weight (light for flight), but very warm. - airfoil design to obtain lift * Contour = Flight feathers on wings and tail wings and tail * Down = Insulation

8 Distinguishing Characteritsics  Wings = to obtain lift for flight * Preening = Grooming/repair of feathers and to spread oil for waterproofing on feathers.

9 Feeding and Digestion  Beak lacks teeth  No chewing  Mobile tongue  Crop = stores and softens food  Gizzard = grinds food  Cloaca present

10 Circulation  4 chambered heart (see diagram) (2 atria and 2 ventricles) (2 atria and 2 ventricles)  Double loop system  Very rapid heart rate  Oxygenated blood keep separate from deoxygenated blood  Endothermic (highest body temperature)

11 RESPIRATION  Well developed lungs  Air sacs = extensions off of lungs to hold additional oxygen-rich air


13 Nervous System  Large brain  Excellent vision  No external ears; excellent hearing = most are very vocal.  Taste and smell not well developed

14 Muscular/Skeletal  Bones are almost hollow hollow  Reduced number of bones = less muscle of bones = less muscle needed to move the body. needed to move the body. Light for Flight!


16 Muscular/Skeletal  Projection on the sternum = KEEL = provides a point of attachment for the very large flight muscles (pectoral muscles)

17 Bird Skeleton Keel on sternum

18 Reproduction  Internal Fertilization (100%)  Oviparous  Amniotic egg has a hard shell  Eggs must be incubated for embryo to develop.

19 Other Characteristic Two types of baby birds: ALTRICIAL chicks =ALTRICIAL chicks = helpless upon hatching = helpless upon hatching = little to no feathers, weak, eyes closed, must be fed by parent. little to no feathers, weak, eyes closed, must be fed by parent.

20 Altricial Chicks

21 Sparrows

22 Barn Owl

23 Parrot

24 Other PRECOCIAL Chicks =PRECOCIAL Chicks = Self-sufficient upon hatching = down feathers at birth, can see, walk, and feed themselves. Self-sufficient upon hatching = down feathers at birth, can see, walk, and feed themselves.

25 Killdeer Mother with Chicks

26 Mallard Ducklings

27 Canada Goose Goslings

28 Chicken Chicks

29 Wild Turkey Poults

30 Class Mammalia








38 Distinguishing Characteristics Hair covers skin Hair covers skin

39 Examples of Hair WOOL WOOL

40 Examples of Hair Elephant Hair Elephant Hair

41 Examples of Hair Porcupine Quills Porcupine Quills

42 Examples of Hair Whiskers

43 Distinguishing Characteristics Mammary glands present in both genders but only function in the female to produce milk to feed the offspring. Mammary glands present in both genders but only function in the female to produce milk to feed the offspring.

44 Feeding and Digestion Mouth with teeth Mouth with teeth Chew their food Chew their food No Cloaca = different openings for the exit of digestive wastes (= feces) and excretory wastes (= urine). No Cloaca = different openings for the exit of digestive wastes (= feces) and excretory wastes (= urine).

45 Circulation Same as Aves except slower heart rate and lower body temperature. Same as Aves except slower heart rate and lower body temperature.

46 Respiration Lungs Lungs Diaphragm muscle controls the act of breathing. Diaphragm muscle controls the act of breathing.

47 Diaphragm Muscle

48 Diaphragm while breathing

49 Nervous System Very large cerebrum that has convolutions = wrinkles that increase the surface area of the brain, but takes up less space. Very large cerebrum that has convolutions = wrinkles that increase the surface area of the brain, but takes up less space. All senses All senses

50 Mammalian Brain

51 Muscular/Skeletal Solid bone endoskeleton Solid bone endoskeleton

52 Reproduction Internal Fertilization Internal Fertilization Viviparous (except Monotremes) Viviparous (except Monotremes) Young must be feed milk from the mammary glands. Young must be feed milk from the mammary glands.

53 Other = 3 Groups 1. Monotreme Mammals = Oviparous Oviparous Examples = Duckbilled Platypus and Echidna

54 Monotremes ECHIDNA

55 Echidna

56 Baby Echidna hatching from its egg.

57 Baby echidna without quills

58 Duckbilled Platypus


60 Swimming Platypus

61 2. Marsupial Mammals Offspring are born very underdeveloped. Complete development in the marsupium (= pouch) where they feed from the mammary glands. Examples = Opossum, Kangaroo, Koala, Tasmanian devil, wombat, wallaby

62 A baby marsupial inside the marsupium.

63 Baby kangaroo in the marsupium.

64 Kangaroo carrying a joey.

65 Another Kangaroo with a joey.

66 Wallaby

67 Wombat

68 Koala

69 Koala with baby

70 TAZ = Cartoon Version

71 Real Tasmanian Devil

72 Tasmanian Devil

73 North American Opossum

74 Only North American Marsupial

75 Opossum with babies.

76 3. Placental Mammals Most successful group of mammals. Viviparous; Umbilical cord connects to the placenta inside the mother’s uterus. Fetus gains nourishment directly from the mother.

77 Anatomy of a placental mammal. Uterus Umbilical Cord Fetus

78 Precocial Placental Mammals

79 Altricial Placental Mammals

80 Killer Whale giving birth

81 Aquatic Placental Mammals Dolphins Porpoise

82 Blue Whale

83 Manatees

84 The only flying mammal.

85 Weirdest Placental Mammal

86 Whales = Largest Mammal

87 Largest Terrestrial Mammal

88 Smallest Mammal = Bumble Bee Bat and Hog-nosed bat

89 2 nd Place Smallest = Pigmy Shrew

90 Tallest Mammal

91 Fastest Land Mammal

92 Most Intelligent Mammals #1 = Humans (?) #2 = Other Primates = Chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, baboon, squirrel monkey #3 = Killer Whale (Orcas) #4 = Dolphin #5 = Elephant #6 = Pig

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