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Directions for Creating Your CCNS Journal. What is Needed For Your Journal: 3 Ring Binder (1 ½ - 2”) Divider Pages Time Cards **Keep only necessary materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions for Creating Your CCNS Journal. What is Needed For Your Journal: 3 Ring Binder (1 ½ - 2”) Divider Pages Time Cards **Keep only necessary materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions for Creating Your CCNS Journal

2 What is Needed For Your Journal: 3 Ring Binder (1 ½ - 2”) Divider Pages Time Cards **Keep only necessary materials & papers in your journal (any extra papers, etc. will result in point reduction)

3 Journal Organization Title Page ( “CCNS Journal”, your name, class period) 1 st Divider Tab (“time cards”) Time Cards Divider Tabs (for each week) –Dates of the Week –Job Completed for the Week –Theme of the Week –Journal pages should not be put in plastic covers until your journal has been graded by Mrs. Stough

4 Time Cards Only fill out to the current date 2 nd years will sign only after everything is filled out completely

5 Specials Week Order: –Journal rubric –5 Completed Evaluation Sheets –5 Summaries In your summaries: –5 paragraphs what you taught who taught what toddlers’ reaction positives negatives

6 Lesson Week Order: –Journal rubric –5 Completed Evaluation Forms –5 Summaries In your summaries: –5 paragraphs What you taught Who taught what Toddlers’ Reaction Positives Negatives

7 Observing/Planning Week Order: –Journal rubric –3 Observation Sheets –3 Summaries (can put each day’s summary behind the observing sheet/form) –*NO evaluation forms needed, unless completed by Mrs. Stough In your summaries: –3-5 paragraphs about what you learned about the people you observed (good w/ children, enthusiastic, kind, equal, etc. )

8 Observations Do Not have to be fill out or completed in a certain order Include as many examples as possible If you are unable to observe something (ex. –teaching group don’t sing a song) just write on that line “N/A” meaning “not available”

9 Organization of Weeks Journal should be organized in chronological order Each week must have a new divider page with a tab (you may make your divider page out of construction paper or card stock, tabs can be cut along the edge of the page or made from masking tape)

10 Absences, Early Dismissals, “No School” Days, etc. Write out “absent”, “early dismissal”, “no school”, etc. on the forms (observation sheets, evaluation forms, etc.) and include in journal

11 Summaries Proper sentence & paragraph form Proper grammar & punctuation Proper terminology (“and” instead of “&” or “+”, “toddlers” or “children” instead of “kids”)

12 Summaries Thorough Explainations: –Details –Examples

13 Summaries Conclusions Drawn: –Compare or list some of the things the toddlers did with what they should have been able to do given their ages Accomplished task or not? Examples –Why things happened (good or bad) Look at their ages and capabilites Examples (why did they make a mess w/the glue? – they didn’t know how much glue was appropriate to use, thought their items would not stick using just a small amount of glue, etc.)

14 One-On-One Summaries 5 paragraphs (follow same format as you did for teaching and specials) Explain what you did with your toddler (s) Provide examples of what you learned

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