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TD/MSD/M&A Group Meeting 4/14/2016. Some FNAL news The new TD web site, was mentioned as being on-line as a prototype for the WordPress.

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Presentation on theme: "TD/MSD/M&A Group Meeting 4/14/2016. Some FNAL news The new TD web site, was mentioned as being on-line as a prototype for the WordPress."— Presentation transcript:

1 TD/MSD/M&A Group Meeting 4/14/2016

2 Some FNAL news The new TD web site,, was mentioned as being on-line as a prototype for the WordPress model. Thanks from the Office of Communications to everyone involved. Note that Version 2.0 of the Engineering manual has been posted. Paul Czarapata tells us that many of the roles have been clarified. The risk assessment tool has been improved. There are hyperlinks all over the place. Check it out and pass it on. There should be a communication to all engineers soon. 1/10/20142

3 Notes from Lab Status Meeting Accidents, Incidents, etc. A brass sliver entered an employee’s thumb while carrying out a reaming activity; first aid only. A contract electrician had a shoulder pop while installing cable tray above his head; awaiting diagnosis. Accelerator Operations. Last week, NuMI (Neutrinos at Main Injector) received 1.4E19 and Booster Neutrino Beamline (BNB) received 9.1E18, both in ~150 hours; there was a maintenance day on Wednesday (with the next one scheduled for 1 June). The Booster ran at 15 Hz for 3-4 hours. 6+6 slip stacking studies continue. The PXIE (PIP-II (Proton Improvement Plan) Injector experiment) RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) beam transmission efficiency is now over 95%, and the buncher is now phase locked to the RFQ. Work continues on notification procedures in the event of a site-wide power outage. Experiment Operations. It was a good week for the running experiments. MT (muon Test Area) has 3 running experiments. ANNIE (Accelerator Neutrino-Neutrino Interaction Experiment) installation continues in the SciBooNE (SciBar Booster Neutrino Experiment) hall. PPD Operations. The g-2 review went well; magnet tuning is now closer to on-schedule. CMS cold box recommissioning went well, and the magnet is cooling. Neutrino Operations. MicroBooNE tested a power supply filter, giving a significant noise reduction. LArIAT presented their first results at last Friday’s W&C, with more to come. ANNIE will soon star commissioning. SBN (Short Baseline Neutrino) far detector building construction is going well. There was a review last week of the DUNE cold electronics ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). 1/10/20143

4 Technical Operations. Lifting points came loose when lifting the dome of a tank used for argon welding; this is under study and in discussions with the vendor. The PXIE LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport) switch dipole has been completed. The LARP prototype quadrupole MQXFS1 testing continues. Yesterday, the LCLS-II (linear Coherent Light source) prototype assembly was moved to ICB. Computing Operations. “A good week, with nothing of note to report”. Data were presented on scientific computing usage, with average wait times ~ 3 hours compared to last week’s ~ 10 hours. Mission Support Operations. The pressure test of 2,600 feet of 30” pipe was successful. There will be much work around the Casey’s Pond Pump House in April and May, with closure of adjacent Wilson Street set for 12 April. Parts of the WH west parking lot will be closed for ICW work on 22/23 April. Village power stayed on while ComEd work was done there last weekend. Financial Report. Budget guidance will be out soon for FY17, including indirect budgets. Office of Communications Report. The Wonders of Science program on Sunday has already sold 600 tickets. On 20 April, there will be a high school student career expo. Proposals are due on Friday for the next AAAS (American Association for the Advancement in Science) annual meeting. There will be an All-Hands meeting on 26 April at 10:30 am. Director’s Report. There were discussions at CERN last week on HE LHC and CERN involvement in the US program. There are upcoming DOE IG (Department of Energy Inspection General) audits of IT and financial reporting; also an “auditors auditing auditors”. The Engineering Manual Version 2 is now posted. 1/10/20144 Notes from Lab Status Meeting

5 MSD News Personnel changes – New technician has started – Diversity – take it seriously MSD Seminar : Ani suggestions? Goals need to be re-vised – please look at them Official Travel: – Make sure to coordinate your travel with the department – Regardless who pays for your travel – Fermilab will be paying your salary – Insurance issues Budget is tight: – Last year TD overspent the operational budget by ~ 2M – Budget is tight this year – Careful with overtime – Less money for MM Time card and Lab Status contribution – try to get it done by the end of Friday or at least during the weekend 54/14/2016

6 PROJECT STATUS/PLAN SUMMARIES near term/year term LHC Accel. SupportSF LARP GA/SS/EH/GC/ThS HFM GC/ThS/SS LCLS II SS? PIP-II SS G-2 ThS MICE SF MU2E GA(TS)/SF(DS)/SF(FM)/ThS MAGMEASJDM/SS/ThS/ALL – LARP – HFM – LCLS II – Mu2e – Alignment of TS modules – MMA – ANL related? – CERN – stretched wire system – done? – KEK – stretched wire system – Rotating coil MM system upgrade (SS) 64/14/2016

7 AOB & SAFETY M&A Meeting – bi-weekly or as needed 16:00-17:00; IB2 conference room – Short overview of a project we are working on and the description of our involvement – cover each projects. Who is next? SAFETY 74/14/2016

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