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Where we've been, Where we are, Where we're going.

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Presentation on theme: "Where we've been, Where we are, Where we're going."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we've been, Where we are, Where we're going

2  1825 Erie Canal: Opened Great Lakes to East Coast. Spurred Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. Many problems developed that still linger today with public, federal investment. Variations from State to state Lowest bidder problems with quality Spurred Immigrant labor  US Army Corps of Engineers continue to fund Locks and Inland Ports with a tax on Barge Fuel  Ports are city responsibities but the Customs Department has jurisdiction with the US Coast Guard of security.  1800s Continental Railroad: Opened the West. Public/Private Partnership (railroad industry became giant Trusts with large federl land grants) More immigrant labor issues due to civil war.

3  1919: General Eisenhower takes 62 day convoy from D.C. to San Francisco.  1940s: Eisenhower experiences the German Autobahns.  1954 Eisenhower pushes through the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways: Establishes the Highway Trust Fund to pay for it. Originally 4cents -per Gallon. 90% paid by Federal Government 10% by States. 1st section ever built is I70 between Topeka and Abilene.

4  1971 AMTRAK Act: Private rail companies paid a tax for operating costs and guaranteed use of track space Other companies can introduce private rail but they don't get the rail use guarantee AMTRAK does.  -Note on Air Travel: Two federal Agencies The FAA They run Air Traffic Control. The TSA under the division of Homeland Security runs security. These things are paid for out of taxes on Plane Tickets. Airports are responsibility of Localities.

5  1982 Federal Highway Revenue Act : Put Mass transit into the mix by dedicating 2.86 cents out of the Highway trust fund for spending on mass transit projects.  1991: ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) President H.W. Bush "Moving America Act" Established National Transportation Policy-6 year cycles for Infrastructure funding. Established 6 goals of Funding: *Maintain and Expand Infrastructure *Nurture Stable Financial footing *Keep Infrastructure vigorous and competitive *Guarantee the enhancement of public safety and national security *Maintain environment and Quality of Life *Ready technology for the next century  In Addition, ISTEA *Changed Urban Mass Transportation Administration to Federal Transit Administration *Provided more flexibility to the States: By 1995 10 States are allowed to set up Investment Banks

6  1998: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21) Set a 90% Floor on amount of money that state collects they get to keep. Allowed for even more flexibility in States for funds Speed Limits and amount of money spent on Mass Transit/Beatification/Bike trails is no longer tied to federal dollars  2005: SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act-A Legacy for Users) Established State Infrastructure Banks in all 50 States with $3 billion in seed money Expired September 2011. Not renewed yet.

7  Safety  Environmental Benefits  Decreased Oil Dependency  Jobs-Short and Long term  Security  Fairness/Equality  Credit Rating  Competativeness/Trade

8  Funding Affs Raise the Gas Tax-Efficient and reduce consumption Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT): A fairer alternative to a gas tax that would generate more money Expand the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFA)-Low interest loans to projects National Investment Bank Bipartisan appeal!

9  Waterways Port Widening-RAMP Act (Realizing America’s Maritime Promise) Port Security-Bin Laden’s Locker Locks and Dams-Huge Agriculture Advantages Arctic Ports-Get the new beachfront property at the North Pole before the Russians do!  Railways High speed Rail-The Obama Plan Rail upgrades in general TSA spending on rail security

10  All The Rest Next Gen Air Traffic Control-Catch us up with the rest of the world. Mass Transit-Helps the poor and improves the environment. Bicycle Paths-Make sure money allocated to Paths in ISTEA actually goes to it. TSA reform-Stop the abuse! Internet?-Is it not transportation infrastructure? Alternative fuel cars?

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