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Trade Trade was important to early civilizations because people found that they could not produce all the resources that they needed or wanted. However,

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Trade was important to early civilizations because people found that they could not produce all the resources that they needed or wanted. However,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Trade was important to early civilizations because people found that they could not produce all the resources that they needed or wanted. However, trade during ancient civilizations was limited by geography and technology. Geography – people were limited by large bodies of water (oceans), deserts, and rugged terrain (mountains). Technology – people did not have the means to build ships that could take them on long voyages on open seas. Two things make long distance trade possible: Domestication of pack animals (donkeys then horses) Development of shipping technology Once technology develops, long distance trade is possible and leads to the expansion of early civilizations into Empires. Long-distance trade developed to supply societies with raw materials that they needed and luxury goods people wanted. 1.What two things limited trade during ancient times? How? 2.What two things made long distance trade possible? How?

2 The Silk Road Major trade route developed in the first century that connected the Roman Empire in Europe with the Han Dynasty in China (Asia); connected people across three continents (Asia, Europe & Africa) –4,000 miles long –While silk & spices were the major physical items, also transported technologies, religions, and disease (plague) –Connected Christian Europe with markets across Arabia & Asia 3.What parts of the world did the Silk Road connect? 4.What types of items were traded along the Silk Road?

3 Muslim Empires After Muhammad’s death, Caliphs took over as rulers of the Muslim community By 1200, the caliphs conquered much of southwest Asia & North Africa. Muslim merchants controlled trade throughout the Eastern Hemisphere –Rulers became very wealthy & powerful During this same time (Middle Ages in Europe), Muslim scholars collected & translated important ancient books and papers preserving ancient knowledge –Scholars also developed the Arabic system of numbers & made advances in medicine and astronomy 5.What parts of the world were conquered by Muslim leaders? 6.How did rulers become wealthy & powerful? 7.What contributions did Muslim scholars make during the Middle Ages in Europe?

4 The Spread of Islam

5 Trade & Conquest The Caliphs created a vast trading empire which spread the ideas of Islam as books, metalwork, pottery and fabrics were exchanged. During the 1200s, Islamic nomads moved into the Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey) & gained power there These nomads unified under Osman & became known as the Ottomans –Gained territory in the Eastern Roman Empire by attacking cities –1453 they conquer Constantinople The Fall of Constantinople marks complete control of the Silk Road by the Muslim Empire, blocking Christian Europe from trade with Asia. 8.How did Islamic ideas spread? 9.Who conquered territory in the Eastern Roman Empire, including Constantinople? 10.Why is the Fall of Constantinople important?

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