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Presentation on theme: "LOCAL INSTRUMENTS OF OUR REGION"— Presentation transcript:

1.-Stringed instruments 2.- Percussion instruments 3.- Wind instrumnets Percussion instrumen

2 1.- Stringed instruments
1 a.- Laúd 1 b.- Bandurria 1 c.- Spanish guitar

3 1 a.- Laúd The laud is a Spanish folk instrument. It has a flat soundboard and a flat back and has the basic shape of a teardrop. It is has 12 metal strings. Some laudes have a round soundhole (like a Spanish classical guitar) while others have two holes and one or more small soundholes. I have seen teardrop as well as diamond shaped small soundholes.

4 1 b.- Bandurria The Spanish laud is similar to the Spanish bandurria. Both of these instruments are used in rondallas--which are fretted string orchestras which often also include guitars and mandolines. The laud has a larger body than the bandurria and the body meets the neck at the 12th fret; in contrast, on the bandurria the body meets the neck at the 7th fret. Both instruments are tuned in 4ths. The strings are grouped in pairs which are technically called courses.

5 1 c.- Spanish Guitar The classical Spanish guitar is a 6-stringed plucked string instrument from the family of instruments called chordophones. The classical guitar is well known for its comprehensive right hand technique, which allows the soloist to perform complex melodic and polyphonic material. The modern classical guitar is usually played in a seated position, with the instrument resting on the left lap - and the left foot placed on a footstool. Alternatively - if a footstool is not used - a guitar support can be placed between the guitar and the left lap.

6 Parts of the Spanish guitar,
1 Headstock 2 Nut 3 Machine heads (or pegheads, tuning keys, tuning machines, tuners) 4 Frets 7 Neck 8 Heel 9 Body 12 Bridge 14 Bottom deck 15 Soundboard 16 Body sides 17 Sound hole, with rosette inlay 18 Strings 19 Saddle (Bridge nut) 20 Fretboard

7 Right-handed players use the fingers of the right hand to pluck the strings, with the thumb plucking from the top of a string downwards and the other fingers plucking from the bottom of string upwards. The little finger in classical technique as it evolved in the 20th century is used only to ride along with the ring finger without striking the strings and to thus physiologically facilitate the ring finger's motion.

8 2.- Percussion instruments
2a.- Pandereta (Tambourines) 2b.- Almirez (Metallic mortar) 2c.- Zambomba (Drum like folk instrument) 2d.- Castañuelas (castanets)

9 2a. - Pandereta (tambouries) 2b. - Almirez (metallic mortar) 2c
2a.- Pandereta (tambouries) 2b.- Almirez (metallic mortar) 2c.- Zambomba Pandereta (tambourines), Almirez (metallic mortar), zambomba (drum like folk instrument) are some of the traditional Spanish instruments that are used to give melody and tune to the Christmas songs .

10 2d.- Castañuelas (castanets)
The string fits either side of the knuckle of the thumb. Pull the knot tight over the thumb on the side away from the nail. When playing allow the hands to curl inwards remaining relaxed. If you straighten the thumb, it will open the castanet to allow the fingers to strike a clean sharp sound! Percussive instruments were used to accompany music and dance at the dawn of time. Primitive castanets in different shapes and forms have been found on all continents.

11 How to hold and play castanets

12 3.- Wind Instruments 3 a .- Dulzaina

13 3ª.- DULZAINA The dulzaina is a double reed, woodwind instrument with a conical bore. Correctly pitched notes are achieved on the Dulzaina by using different finger combinations to close over its 8 keyless holes, and by using changes in air and embouchure pressure. The instrument has different names depending on the region in which it was introduced. These vary from “xirimita” through to “dolçaina” and its variants.


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