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USING SOCIAL CYFAR (AND OTHER CONFERENCES) Presented May CYFAR Conference, San Francisco CA Trudy Dunham, Steven Worker, and Barbara Woods.

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Presentation on theme: "USING SOCIAL CYFAR (AND OTHER CONFERENCES) Presented May CYFAR Conference, San Francisco CA Trudy Dunham, Steven Worker, and Barbara Woods."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING SOCIAL MEDIA @ CYFAR (AND OTHER CONFERENCES) Presented May 2010 @ CYFAR Conference, San Francisco CA Trudy Dunham, Steven Worker, and Barbara Woods

2 The Water Cooler Conversation  People want to be attached to each other  People want to have something to share  ‘Bowling alone’ is being replaced by watching TV with geo- absent friends

3 Tech @ CYFAR  Technology isn’t causing social isolation.  It is building a dialogue.  Americans who use Internet & mobile have larger and more diverse social networks. (Pew, 11/09)

4 The Back Channel  People used to whisper and pass notes  Now they text  I’m talking – and you are talking about me!  I can’t see your eyes or reaction!

5 The Back Channel  Participants listen and think, engaged &focused  Participants interact and respond– we’ve started a dialogue, participation –though ears hear 1 voice.  Participants connect more with each other at event learn who thinks like them, has interesting ideas  People add their own ideas  People not present can participate

6 The Back Channel  Typing means you are creating a reaction  Participants expand, clarify, answer questions about what you said (+ & -)  Immediate feedback  Presenter needs help to monitor the feedback  Break for questions & check the Tweets  Use ‘the wall’ to post the tweets so you can check

7 Twitter @ CYFAR  Follow CYFARConf   Use hashtags to comment on the conference components  #keyword (see card!) 

8 Get a Twitter Account   Full name  User name  Password  Email  Modify preferences  Agree to terms of service  Create account  140 characters

9 Facebook @ CYFAR  Become a fan of CYFAR Conference !/pages/Sa n-Francisco-CA/CYFAR-Conference- 2010/110877235599265!/pages/Sa n-Francisco-CA/CYFAR-Conference- 2010/110877235599265  Write on the wall, post your photos, show your fandom!  Social and professional networking

10 Get a Facebook Account   Sign up for Facebook  THEN set up your profile !!! Very Important!! Determines what people can see about you.  Full name  Password  Email  Gender & Birth Date

11 Other Tech Techniques  Pecha Kucha: Japanese term for ‘chit chat’  20 images or slides, 20 seconds each  Fast, structured presentation of idea, skill, model  Social, networking opportunity   Flash Meets: the positive side of ‘flash mobs’  Group of people who assemble briefly, do something, & disperse  (express interest in topic or desire to collaborate, decide where to go out to eat,)  Meeting called/announced via mobile, viral or social media


13 CYFERNET Supports CYFAR & Your Online Work  Email us at  Talk with us at CYFAR  Attend computer lab sessions to learn knew skills, try out new tools  We want your suggestions for technologies you may want to try  Build technology utilization into your calendar!

14 Using Social Media At the CYFAR Conference (and other conferences) Trudy Dunham, Steven Worker, Barbara Woods

15 Agenda Facebook Twitter Flickr Video Mobile devices

16 Demonstrations & How tos (Demos not available for proceedings) Digital Agenda optimized for Mobile Tech Youth Videographers Polleverywhere –Polls –SMS posted on the wall

17 Video Used for both promotion and assessment Engage 4-H teens in recording their experiences and creating a movie Share on youtube and other places Need: Camcorder and editing software

18 Mobile Devices Mobile-optimized content – SMS text messaging –Walls and polls using

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