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PHYSICS 50: Introduction RICHARD CRAIG. Plan for the day Introductions Me, You Greensheet review Things I assume you already know Vectors review Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICS 50: Introduction RICHARD CRAIG. Plan for the day Introductions Me, You Greensheet review Things I assume you already know Vectors review Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYSICS 50: Introduction RICHARD CRAIG

2 Plan for the day Introductions Me, You Greensheet review Things I assume you already know Vectors review Quiz Enrollment issues

3 Richard Craig Education: BA UC Berkeley, MS SJSU, PhD UCLA 1 year teaching at West Valley CC (1979) 5 years research on semiconductor lasers 5 years engineering manager in laser start-up company 12 years VP/CEO of laser companies Retired 2006 Came back to teach last spring

4 Class Emphasis Concepts as important as solving problems Test include some conceptual problems But this is not physics for poets! There will lots of problems to solve You get little benefit from watching me derive formulas More examples than derivations Almost daily quiz I will try to bring in technical industry examples Talk a little bit about technology and history of our valley I will adjust class difficulty based on your feedback I have never taught this class before!!!

5 Green Sheet Do your homework!! Lots of quizzes Office hrs: Tu/Th after class, and W after lab

6 Homework #1 Read Chapter 1(all), Chapter 2 (not 2.6) Exercises and Problems:1.3, 1.49, 1.99, 2.14, 2.39, 2.59 Due next Thursday, 1/31

7 Class Web Site Class web site Go to Search for Craig I will post Power point lectures Homework assignments I might post Homework solutions Exams and Quizzes Exam and Quiz solutions

8 Why my job is difficult in 50 Your 1st Class in Physics Some of you (many) want to become engineers or scientists but may not have dedication or skill or both Physics is the same at DeVry, SJSU, or MIT, you have to learn it About 20% of you will not get a passing grade in this class

9 Things I assume you know Units We will use MKS units 90% of the time Length: meters Time: seconds Mass: kilogram Dimensional Analysis You can only add the same units How to convert units

10 Things I assume you know Exponential Notation About 6,000,000,000 people on the earth 6 x 10 9 people Units Prefixes nano (n) micro (  ) milli (m) kilo (k) mega (M) giga (G)

11 Things I Assume you know Significant figures What they are 100, 100.0, 100.0000 How to use them Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication Estimates (order of magnitude) Example: People density of USA

12 Things I Assume you know Simple Trigonometry

13 Vectors Scalar: A number Vector: A number and a direction Examples Time Mass Velocity Force

14 Vectors Adding Vectors examples Components of vectors Unit vectors definitions

15 Vectors have components Vector Addition: Components add like scalars

16 Units Vectors Unit vectors i,j,k are magnitude 1 and point in the x,y,z directions respectively

17 Vector Multiplication 1 Scalar Product or Dot Product

18 Right hand rule: Vector Multiplication 2 Vector Product or Cross Product Magnitude Direction

19 Quiz 1.Work out problem (5 minutes) 2.Explain pm to another member of class (5 minutes) 1.It is ok to change your answer after talking 3. Turn in (electronic in future) 4.We review

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