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ACADEMIC ENGLISH English Language Teaching Unit Academic Style Organisation Critical Thinking Referencing.

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1 ACADEMIC ENGLISH English Language Teaching Unit Academic Style Organisation Critical Thinking Referencing

2 Is this academic style?  These days a lot of kids start school early. Years ago, everybody began at 5, but now it’s normal to start at 4 – or even younger! Why? One thing is that mums gotta get back to work. Bob Jenkins has studied this and says that early schooling causes stuff like stealing, drug abuse etc. He’s right – we should pay mums to stay at home.

3 Academic Style is…  Impersonal  Precise  Cautious  Formal  Noun-focused

4 Impersonal  I heated the apparatus.  In my opinion, the results do not justify a further investigation.  Sadly, crime is increasing  The apparatus was heated.  The results do not appear to justify a further investigation.  Significantly, crime is increasing General EnglishAcademic English

5 Precise  Hundreds of tests have been done  Speculators buy and sell money  Everybody knows that dogs chase cats  About three hundred tests have been done  Speculators buy and sell currencies  It is widely understood that dogs chase cats General EnglishAcademic English

6 Cautious  Crime increases during periods of economic growth  Crime will never be eradicated  Education reduces crime  Crime sometimes increases during periods of economic growth  Crime may never be eradicated  Education tends to reduce crime General EnglishAcademic English

7 Formal  Way  Opinion  Carry out  ‘cos of  approach, method  view, evaluation  implement  Due to, owing to General Word listAcademic Word List

8 The Academic Word List

9 Formal  It isn’t easy to negotiate a reduction.  Nanotechnology is gonna be one of the key things for research.  The first step was easy – just introduce the titrate slowly.  Fleming did not intend to discover penecillin!  It is not easy to negotiate a reduction.  Nanotechnology is going to be one of the key areas for research.  The first step was easy; the titrate was introduced slowly.  Surprisingly, Fleming did not intend to discover penecillin. General EnglishAcademic English

10 Noun-focused  The government decided to investigate.  The numbers grew remarkably quickly.  A government investigation was started.  There was a remarkable growth in the numbers. General EnglishAcademic English

11 Exercise  Write the text in a more academic style  These days a lot of kids start school early. Years ago, everybody began at 5, but now it’s normal to start at 4 – or even younger! Why? One thing is that mum’s gotta get back to work. Bob Jenkins has studied this and says that early schooling causes stuff like stealing, drug abuse etc. He’s right – we should pay mums to stay at home.

12 Exercise  These days many children start school at a very young age. Up until the 1990s it was most common to begin at age five, but more recently there have been many cases where school is started at age four or younger (Jenkins (2007). There are many reasons why this might happen; one factor is that it may be necessary for mothers to return to work for financial reasons. Nevertheless, it seems that early schooling may cause social problems such as stealing and drug abuse (Jenkins 2007). In fact, there is considerable evidence to support the idea of a state subsidy for mothers who stay at home.


14 The In-Sessional Programme  Academic English Lecture Series  Style  Organisation  Referencing  Critical Thinking

15 Resources  Bailey. S (2003) “Academic Writing” 3 rd Edition  The Academic Word List  e.g.

16 References  Biber, D. (1988) “Variation across speech and writing” (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge)  Douglas SPACK, R. (1988), Initiating ESL Students Into the Academic Discourse Community: How Far Should We Go? TESOL Quarterly, 22: 29–51.  Hyland, Ken and Polly Tse Metadiscourse in Academic Writing: A Reappraisal Applied Linguistics (2004) 25 (2): 156-177

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