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BOD 4 - SWE Senate Update June 14, 2013 Helen Patricia – Speaker of the Senate Brittney Elko – Deputy Speaker.

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Presentation on theme: "BOD 4 - SWE Senate Update June 14, 2013 Helen Patricia – Speaker of the Senate Brittney Elko – Deputy Speaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOD 4 - SWE Senate Update June 14, 2013 Helen Patricia – Speaker of the Senate Brittney Elko – Deputy Speaker

2 Agenda Update on MI 116 recommendations Desired outcome: BOD agreement to proceed with recommendations WE13 Senate Meeting Desired outcome: Input from BOD for FY14 senate planning Mega Issues: Desired outcome – discuss next steps

3 MI 116 Senate motion to approve the MI116 recommendations – Senate’s approval and support of this motion to approve the Top 5 List from this Mega Issue Committee to represent our Society Top 5 List to serve as SWE’s first statement for Work & Life Integration to be shared broadly through social media Request BOD approval to implement as requested.

4 MI 116 – Next Steps Finish and close the MI116 by compiling all detailed research and findings into a Playbook. Expanded guide on each of the topics from Top 5 List Detailed information on research findings from MI116 Win-Win ROI (Return On Investment) for Employers to support change Benefits for Women Engineers & Technologists How-To Guide for Implementation Planning Case Study Examples Draft Playbook to be turned in to SWE by end of June

5 Senate Meeting Changes

6 Senate Meeting Issue Saturday senate meeting consumes a significant amount of volunteer/senator time during conference. Meeting focus on bylaws changes consumes most of time Limited time for senator focus on strategic issue facing Society Overlap with CLF affects ability of collegiate senators attendance.

7 Senate Vision/Principles Conference where Senators spend face-to-face time addressing strategic issues but still have time to attend/enjoy conference Training Strategic work Networking with other Senators Opportunity to get feedback from constituents on hot topics Spring Senate Meeting strategic work (ASPR, mega issues, etc) and voting occurs as needed Senate should be flexible to vote on bylaws via phone and not limited to face-to face meetings

8 Current Senate Meetings Training July/Aug Teleconference – 2 hours Annual Conference MI teams meet to review Senate Town Hall – Friday – 1 hour Open to all members for Q&A, questions on motions, etc. Senate Meeting on Saturday – 4 hours Vote on Motions/Bylaws Amendments Mega Issues Discussion Spring Meeting ASPR Mega Issues Discussion Vote on Motions/Bylaws Conference calls to discuss other topics and non- bylaws motions – bi-monthly

9 Future Senate Meeting Setup Annual Conference Networking and strategy planning Saturday Meeting – 2 hours Training Strategic Discussions / Current Society Issues Spring Meeting ASPR Mega Issues Discussion Vote on Motions/Bylaws if needed Conference calls Other topics, motions and bylaws schedule as needed

10 Implementation Plan/Actions Review proposed changes with Bylaws Committee Craft motion to change bylaws to allow changes via email/electronic vote Develop WE13 agenda on shorter schedule Develop training/communications and a plan to engage senators in strategic priorities

11 Timeline

12 Senate Mega Issues

13 FY12 Process Mega Issues determined at ASPR and assigned Senate prioritized and established teams to address White paper drafted with recommendations Presented to senate during FY Recommendations presented to BOD near end of FY Actions sometimes implemented if linked to Op Plan FY13 – focus on Strategic Plan – no new MI’s Completed MI 116 short term recommendations

14 Senate Mega Issues Issues/ Concerns Mega issue recommendations tried to align with next FY operational plan Recommendations too specific Timing not aligned with op planning cycle so actions not always implemented. Tracking process did not always ensure that actions would be considered at a later date.

15 Senate Mega Issues Opportunities for Improvement Mega issues need to be broad enough with implications that might drive change in strategic plan Mega issues topics – Senator input Environmental Scan ASPR Feed into ASPR May be multi year efforts

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