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Absolute time The passage of time as measured by a clock. Click here for Hint perceived time or absolute time or preprocess wait?

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Presentation on theme: "Absolute time The passage of time as measured by a clock. Click here for Hint perceived time or absolute time or preprocess wait?"— Presentation transcript:

1 absolute time The passage of time as measured by a clock. Click here for Hint perceived time or absolute time or preprocess wait?

2 balking When an arriving customer decides against joining a line. blocking or balking or queue discipline? Click here for Hint

3 blocking Preventing customer arrivals from entering a system due to limitations on the allowable length of a queue. blocking or balking or queue discipline? Click here for Hint

4 break-even point A level of activity at which the revenue collected matches the costs incurred by that activity. fixed cost or efficiency or break-even-point? Click here for Hint

5 capacity The productive capability of a system. capacity or design capacity or break-even point? Click here for Hint

6 capacity cushion Largely idle capacity maintained beyond the expected load level of a system to absorb unexpected demand. capacity or design capacity or capacity cushion? Click here for Hint

7 core competency Specific ability that distinguishes a business from its competitors. economies of scale or effective capacity or core competency? Click here for Hint

8 design capacity The theoretical maximum output of a system, assuming ideal operating conditions. design capacity or effective capacity or efficiency? Click here for Hint

9 diseconomies of scale Increasing average unit cost by increasing volume. economies of scale or variable cost or diseconomies of scale? Click here for Hint

10 economies of scale Decreasing average unit cost by increasing volume. economies of scale or variable cost or diseconomies of scale? Click here for Hint

11 effective capacity The practical maximum output of a system, assuming normal operating conditions. efficiency or effective capacity or capacity? Click here for Hint

12 efficiency Percent of a resource in productive use. efficiency or effective capacity or capacity? Click here for Hint

13 FCFS First-come, first-served sequencing rule. serpentine line or Kendall notation or FCFS? Click here for Hint

14 finite calling population An environment in which the maximum number of potential arrivals to a waiting line is distinctly restricted. finite calling population or queuing theory or infinite calling population? Click here for Hint

15 fixed cost Cost incurred regardless of the volume of associated activity. fixed cost or variable cost or break-even point? Click here for Hint

16 infinite calling population An environment in which the number of potential arrivals to a waiting line is unrestricted. finite calling population or queuing theory or infinite calling population? Click here for Hint

17 in-process wait A delay occurring during the provision of a service. in-process wait or preprocess wait or queue discipline? Click here for Hint

18 Kendall notation A labeling system for classifying waiting line models according to their initial assumptions. Kendall notation or FCFS or reneging? Click here for Hint

19 outsource To subcontract an internal process to an external provider. capacity cushion or subcontract or outsource? Click here for Hint

20 perceived time The passage of time as measured by a person, usually without the use of a clock. absolute time or perceived time or FCFS? Click here for Hint

21 Poisson distribution A discrete probability distribution describing the likelihood of a particular number of independent events within a particular interval. Poisson distribution or finite calling population or infinite calling population? Click here for Hint

22 preprocess wait A delay occurring before any service begins. preprocess wait or in-process wait or blocking? Click here for Hint

23 queue A waiting line. serpentine line or queue or queuing theory? Click here for Hint

24 queue discipline Rules determining the order in which waiting individuals are served. FCFS or queue discipline or infinite calling population? Click here for Hint

25 queuing theory The mathematical modeling of waiting lines. queuing theory or queue discipline or infinite calling population? Click here for Hint

26 reneging When an arriving customer joins a line, but then abandons it before being served. blocking or balking or reneging? Click here for Hint

27 serpentine line A single queue of customers waiting in a line that must bend one or more times to fit within the service facility. queue or FCFS or serpentine line? Click here for Hint

28 subcontract To engage a third party in the provision of value to a customer. outsource or subcontract or economies of scale? Click here for Hint

29 tractable Easy to use; yields insight with a limited number of calculations. break-even point or tractable or queuing theory? Click here for Hint

30 utilization Percent of design capacity in use. utilization or efficiency or design capacity? Click here for Hint

31 variable cost Cost that varies with volume of associated activity. FCFS or fixed cost or variable cost? Click here for Hint

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