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RFID 미들웨어 기술 및 산업 동향 2007. 6. 18. 표지.

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Presentation on theme: "RFID 미들웨어 기술 및 산업 동향 2007. 6. 18. 표지."— Presentation transcript:

1 RFID 미들웨어 기술 및 산업 동향 표지

2 Outline RFID 미들웨어 RFID 미들웨어 표준화 동향 RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 결론 RFID 미들웨어 정의
표준화 동향 개요 ALE EPC Information Service RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 Oracle Sensor-based Service 결론 목차

3 RFID 미들웨어 정의 Software that facilitates capture of RFID tag information at the edge of the network and facilitates integration with IT applications Traffic cop for RFID Data Platforms for managing RFID data and routing it between tag readers or other auto identification devices and enterprise system

4 RFID 미들웨어 정의 RFID 시스템과 미들웨어 Source : VDC 2004

5 RFID 미들웨어 정의 RFID 시스템과 미들웨어(Cont.) Source : Accenture 2004

6 RFID 미들웨어 기능 RFID 미들웨어 주요 기능 Data monitoring and Management
Data collection Data from all types of AIDC input Cleansing, filtering, massaging data Data routing Any network/application Real time processing Device management & monitoring Capture and store hardware and software asset information Create detailed audit trails with logging and reporting Provide hands-free maintenance, remote control, and diagnostics Support and configure a variety of connection transports and protocols

7 RFID 미들웨어 기능 RFID 미들웨어 주요 기능(Cont.) Application Development Support
Integrate Business rules, logics, processes Information Service Store & Retrieve Information relating Sensing Data Manage Profiling information/ Historical Information Track & Trace Service Provide Common application layer

8 Unit : Millions of Dollars
RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 시스템 시장 규모 Unit : Millions of Dollars Year Product Category 2004년 2007년 CAGR Hardware(Transponders, Readers, Printers/Encoders) 1035.9 (68.1%) 2888.2 (61.5%) 40.7% Software(RFID Middleware, Application Software, etc.) 122.1 (8%) 587.8 (12.5%) 68.9% Services(Integration, Maintenance Support, Training, etc.) 363.8 (23.9%) 1223.0 (36.0%) 49.8% Total 1521.8 4699.0 45.6% Source : VDC 2004

9 Unit : Millions of dollars, %
RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 산업별 시장 Unit : Millions of dollars, % Base Year 2004 Forecast 2005 Growth CAGR Industrial/ Manufacturing $518.1 $855.6 65.1% 51.1% Transportation $859.4 $1,051.5 22.4% 23.3% Health Care $40.2 $64.8 61.2% 54.3% Commercial Services $99.2 $129.1 30.1% 32.4% Retail in-Store $95.8 $124.7 30.2% 38.3% Government $141.2 $171.0 21.1% 26.6% Total $1,753.9 $2,396.7 36.6% 35.6% Source : VDC 2005

10 Unit : Millions of dollars, %
RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID Tag & Reader의 산업별 시장 Unit : Millions of dollars, % year industry 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Supply chain 135.8 (27.0) 164.2 (29.4) 206.1 (32.1) 237.8 (31.0) 287.2 (30.0) 364.6 (29.0) 680.5 (28.0) 1,034.9 (27.0) Retail 5.0 (1.0) 16.7 (3.0) 32.1 (5.0) 61.4 (8.0) 143.6 (15.0) 264.0 (21.0) 607.6 (25.0) 1,140.3 (29.8) Asset Management 10.1 (2.0) 27.9 (5.0) 77.1 (12.0) 99.7 (13.0) 134.0 (14.0) 188.6 (15.0) 388.9 (16.0) 689.9 (18.0) Phamaceutical 0.5 (0.1) 38.5 (6.0) 53.7 (7.0) 57.4 (6.0) 62.9 (5.0) 121.5 (5.0) 172.5 (4.5) Toll Collection 251.6 (50.0) 251.1 (45.0) 237.7 (37.0) 245.5 (32.0) 258.5 (27.0) 254.6 (20.3) 267.3 (11.0) 268.3 (7.0) Department of Defense 20.1 (4.0) 22.3 (4.0) 25.7 (4.0) 30.7 (4.0) 38.3 (4.0) 50.3 (4.0) 123.9 (5.1) 230.0 (6.0) other 80.0 (15.9) 59.1 (10.6) 25.1 (3.9) 38.4 (5.0) 71.7 (5.7) 240.6 (9.9) 295.1 (7.7) Total RFID 503.1 558.0 642.4 767.1 957.3 1,257.2 2,430.4 3,833.0 % Growth 65.0 10.9 15.1 19.4 24.8 31.3 93.3 57.7 Source : WInterGreen 2005

11 RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 미들웨어 시장 규모 year category 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 RFID Edge Middleware MM$ 47.0 54.1 73.0 120.4 214.3 402.9 769.5 1,577.5 % Growth 15.0 35.0 65.0 78.0 88.0 91.0 105.0 T$ per Unit 15.3 15.8 16.2 16.7 17.2 17.7 18.3 18.8 Units 3,071.9 3,429.8 4,495.4 7,201.3 12,444.9 22,715.1 42,122.1 83,835.2 Application Integration 72.8 97.6 134.6 191.2 315.4 495.2 767.6 1,174.4 11.0 34.0 38.0 42.0 57.0 55.0 53.0 455.2 468.9 482.9 497.4 512.3 527.7 543.5 559.8 159.9 208.1 278.8 384.3 615.7 938.4 1,412.2 2,097.7 Total RFID 3,231.8 3,637.9 4,774.1 7,585.6 13,060.6 23,653.5 43,534.3 85,932.9 119.8 151.6 207.6 311.6 529.7 898.1 1,537.1 2,751.9 70.0 75.0 60.0 62.0 65.9 85.0 86.0 Source : WinterGreen 2005

12 RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 미들웨어 주요 업체 Sources: Forrester 2004

13 Application Integration
RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 미들웨어 업체별 시장 점유율 Total $119.8 M 2004 Total $47 M 2004 Total $72.8 M 2004 Edge Framework Application Integration Source : WinterGreen 2005

14 RFID 미들웨어 시장 RFID 미들웨어 국내 업체 LG CNS, 아시아나 IDT, 신세계아이앤씨, … 한울주식회사, …
메타라이츠 메타비즈 앨릭슨 Sources: Forrester 2004

15 Outline RFID 미들웨어 RFID 미들웨어 표준화 동향 RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 결론 RFID 미들웨어 정의
표준화 동향 개요 ALE EPC Information Service RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 Oracle Sensor-based Service 결론 목차

16 표준화 동향 개요 EPC Network 구조 및 표준

17 표준화 동향 개요 표준 규격 상태
Ratified standard EPC Generation 1 Tag Data Standards Version 1.1 Rev.1.27, EPCglobal Tag Data Standards Version 1.3, EPCglobal Tag Data Translation(TDT) 1,0, EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860MHz – 960MHz V1.0.9, The Application Level Events (ALE) Version 1.0, Object Naming Service (ONS) Version 1.0, EPCglobal Certificate Profile Version 1.0, Reader Protocol 1.1, LCWD, Reader Management 1.0, WD, EPC Information Service 1.0, WD,

18 ALE ALE(Application Level Events) 개요 The role of the ALE
to provide independence between the infrastructure components that acquire the raw EPC data, the architectural component(s) that filter & count that data, and the applications that use the data. It provides a means for clients to specify, in a high-level, declarative way, what EPC data they are interested in, without dictating an implementation. It provides a standardized format for reporting accumulated, filtered EPC data that is largely independent of where the EPC data originated or how it was processed. It abstracts the sources of EPC data into a higher-level notion of “logical reader,”

19 ALE ALE 인터페이스 ECSpec(Event Cycle Spec.) ECReports(Event Cycle Reports)
어플리케이션이 원하는 데이터의 명세 Where : Reader When : duration, period What : EPC Tag format ECReports(Event Cycle Reports) ECSpec이 제시한 조건에 맞는 결과 Read Cycle 2 Read Cycle 3 EPC1 EPC2 EPC3 EPC4 EPC5 Read Cycle 1 Client 1 Event Cycle 1 Report Read Cycle 5 Read Cycle 6 Read Cycle 4 Read Cycle 7 Client 2 Event Cycle 1 Client 3 Event Cycle 1 Client 2 Event Cycle 2

20 ALE ALE 인터페이스 --- define(specName:string, spec:ECSpec) : void
undefine(specName:string) : void getECSpec(specName:string) : ECSpec getECSpecNames() : List // returns a list of specNames as strings subscribe(specName:string, notificationURI:string) : void unsubscribe(specName:string, notificationURI:string) : void poll(specName:string) : ECReports immediate(spec:ECSpec) : ECReports getSubscribers(specName:String) : List // of notification URIs getStandardVersion() : string getVendorVersion() : string <<extension point>>

21 EPC Information Service
역할 인증된 사용자가 EPC_related data에 접근할 수 있는 표준 인터페이스 제공 Persistent Storage에 저장하고, 접근할 수 있는 인터페이스 제공 Source : AUTO-ID CENTRE 2004

22 EPC Information Service
EPCIS specification framework Abstract Data Model layer Specify generic structure of EPCIS data Event data/Master data Data Definition Layer Specify what data is exchanged through EPCIS what its abstract structure is what it means Service Layer Defines service operations through which EPCIS clients interact Bindings Data Definition Layer, Service layer에 대한 실현

23 EPC Information Service
Data Definition Layer Value Types Event Types Event Fields Vocabulary Types Master Data Attributes Vocabulary Elements EPCISEvent eventTime : Time recordTime : Time <<extension point>> ObjectEvent epcList : List<EPC> action : Action bizStep : BizStepID disposition : DispositionID readPoint : ReadPointID bizLocation : BizLocationID <<extension point>> QuantityEvent epcClass : EPCClass quantity : int bizStep : BizStepID disposition : DispositionID readPoint : ReadPointID bizLocation : BizLocationID <<extension point>> AggregationEvent parentID : URI childEPCList : List<EPC> action : Action bizStep : BizStepID disposition : DispositionID readPoint : ReadPointID bizLocation : BizLocationID <<extension point>> TransactionEvent bizTrans : List<BizTransID> parentID : URI EPCList : List<EPC> action : Action bizStep : BizStepID disposition : DispositionID readPoint : ReadPointID bizLocation : BizLocationID <extension point>> BizTransaction type : BizTransTypeID bizTrans : BizTransID 1..* 0..* bizTransList 0..* = “zero or more” 1..* = “one or more”

24 <<interface>> CoreCaptureService
EPC Information Service Service Layer Core Capture Operation Capture service Core Query Operation Query Framework define(queryName : String, query : Query) [Not in EPCIS 1.0] undefine(queryName : String) [Not in EPCIS 1.0] subscribe(queryName : String, params : QueryParams, dest : URI, controls : SubscriptionControls, subscriptionID : String) unsubscribe(subscriptionID : String) poll(queryName : String, params : QueryParams) : QueryResults immediate(query : Query) : QueryResults [Not in EPCIS 1.0] getQueryNames() : List // of names getSubscriptionIDs(queryName : String) : List // of Strings getQuery(queryName : String) : Query [Not in EPCIS 1.0] getStandardVersion() : string getVendorVersion() : string Predefined Queries queryName 변수에 이용 SimpleEventQuery SimpleMasterDataQuery <<interface>> CoreCaptureService capture(event : List<EPCISEvent>) : void <<extension point>>

25 Outline RFID 미들웨어 RFID 미들웨어 표준화 동향 RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 결론 RFID 미들웨어 정의
표준화 동향 개요 ALE EPC Information Service RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 Oracle Sensor-based Service 결론 목차

26 Oracle Sensor-based Service
운영 환경

27 Oracle Sensor-based Service
시스템 구성

28 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Edge Server 구조

29 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Edge Server 기능

30 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Edge Server 기능 Collection Filtering

31 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Edge Server 기능 Dissemination

32 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Edge Mobile

33 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Data Repository

34 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Information Services

35 Oracle Sensor-based Service
Sensor Compliance Workspace

36 Outline RFID 미들웨어 RFID 미들웨어 표준화 동향 RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 결론 RFID 미들웨어 정의
표준화 동향 개요 ALE EPC Information Service RFID 미들웨어 사례 시스템 Oracle Sensor-based Service 결론 목차

37 결론 기술 분야 기술 발전 RFID 미들웨어, USN 통합 미들웨어
Lite, Mobile System Stationary System 데이터 스트림 관리 시스템(Data Stream Management System) 이벤트 스트림 처리 시스템 기술 발전 전용 -> 범용 Data Modeling 처리 방법 : filtering, query 등 Stand alone ->분산 실시간 처리 : 초당 수만에서 수십만

38 감사합니다

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