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GEF Cross Cutting Capacity Development Strategy GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop 4 to 6 September 2012 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

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1 GEF Cross Cutting Capacity Development Strategy GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop 4 to 6 September 2012 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

2 Targeted CCCD projects 1. Will focus on particular set of countries’ underlying individual, organizational and systemic capacities to meet and sustain global environmental commitments, 2. Based on assessment of capacity needs (NCSA) ( 3. Targeting the three Rio Conventions 4. Multifocal (to benefit at least two focal areas)

3 Strategic objectives for cross-cutting capacity development inGEF-5 (available 44 mln USD) CD 1: Enhance capacities of stakeholders for engagement through consultative process CD 2: Generate, access and use of information and knowledge CD 3: Strengthened capacities for policy and legislation development for achieving global benefits CD 4: Strengthened capacities for management and implementation of convention guidelines CD 5: Capacities enhanced to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends

4 Creating synergies amongst convention guidelines

5 Drafting the PIF 1) Same GEF criteria apply (incremental reasoning, consistency with focal areas objectives, GEB, etc.) 2) Provide co-financing at least with ratio 1:1; Cash co- financing is required 3) Can be MSPs or FSPs 4) What is the set of concrete actions 6) How will the capacities be sustained in the long-term

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