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LFUCG Group 1 Remedial Measures Plans September, 2011 Presentation to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Residents.

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Presentation on theme: "LFUCG Group 1 Remedial Measures Plans September, 2011 Presentation to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Residents."— Presentation transcript:

1 LFUCG Group 1 Remedial Measures Plans September, 2011 Presentation to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Residents

2 Consent Decree Background USEPA enforcement action due to violations of Clean Water Act Typical of similar-sized communities Lodging date: March 2008 Entry date: January 2011 Lodging and Entry dates determine specific deadlines

3 Consent Decree Goal (Wastewater) Primary Goal: eliminate recurring SSOs caused by wet-weather infiltration and inflow Recurring SSO: An SSO that occurs in the same location more than once in a twelve month rolling period.

4 Watershed Groups Group 1: –West Hickman –East Hickman –Wolf Run Group 2: Cane Run and Town Branch Group 3 – North and South Elkhorn Service area split into groups to prioritize corrective actions

5 Recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows – West Hickman

6 Recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows – East Hickman

7 Recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows – Wolf Run

8 Typical Sanitary Sewer Defects Leaking Manhole Smoke testing indicates private lateral defects Active I/I in 54-inch West Hickman trunk sewer

9 Capacity Assessment Findings Group 1

10 Existing West Hickman Capacity Issues

11 Existing East Hickman Capacity Issues

12 Existing Wolf Run Capacity Issues

13 Capacity Map Summary Model results depicted on maps represent a 2-year / 24-hour storm – minimum criteria for future Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Orange and red color coding most critical from CAP perspective – limited capacity for infill and redevelopment DWQ is tracking recent and future repairs to acquire “capacity credits” DWQ will continue to monitor flows and maintain hydraulic models

14 RMP Reporting Schedule Reporting to be by Groups SSSA Reports –Group 1: April 2011 –Group 2: October 2011 –Group 3: April 2012 RMPs –Group 1: October 2011 –Group 2: April 2012 –Group 3: October 2012

15 Remedial Measures Plans Master plan of physical improvements necessary to eliminate Recurring SSOs Strategies: –Transport and Treat –Equalization (storage of peak flows) –System Rehabilitation to reduce I&I RMP to include combination of all 3 strategies

16 Proposed West Hickman RMP Charlie – the 39.5 MG EQ at WHWWTP would be about 40’ deep in Commonwealth Stadium. The 2 nd biggest EQ is at Idle Hour Park – 4.4 MG or about 6’ deep in the stadium.

17 Proposed East Hickman RMP

18 Proposed Wolf Run RMP

19 Estimated Costs Current estimates for Group 1 watersheds (excluding system rehabilitation), based on 2-year storm: –West Hickman $193,000,000 –East Hickman $71,000,000 –Wolf Run $33,000,000 Total Group 1 = $297,000,000 Other 4 watersheds expected to be less costly to address Long-term system rehab ($5 million / yr)

20 Group 1 Construction RMP Preliminary Capital Cost for 2Yr24Hr West HickmanEast HickmanWolf Run ItemQuantity ≤15" (ft) 9,955 17,987 2,679 18"-24" (ft) 34,635 12,614 17,650 27"-36" (ft) 5,925 2,200 10,142 42"-54" (ft) 18,001 - 3,368 60"-72" (ft) 3,929 - - >72" (ft) - - - Force Main (ft) - 33,359 - Subtotal Pipe (ft) 72,445 66,160 33,839 PS Improvements (MGD) - 30.1 20 EQ (MGAL) 44 4.3 1.8 WWTP Improvements (ea) 1 - - Total Capital Cost ($M) $ 193 $ 71 $ 33

21 RMP - Public Involvement Conducted 3 public meetings in March 2011 Stakeholder involvement –LFUCG Council, Mayor, Water Quality Staff –Commerce Lexington, Homebuilders Association, media, etc. –Civic and neighborhood associations Web site developed to provide current and future project status updates Separate public meetings for each RMP Group

22 Long-Term CD Schedule Construction to take place 2013 - 2025 Permanent sewer rehabilitation program

23 Web Site – now online

24 Summary DWQ is on track with Consent Decree schedule Remedial Measures being developed to eliminate Recurring SSOs and meet EPA requirements at lowest cost Next Steps: –Solicit public input –Complete RMPs and submit to USEPA –Initiate sanitary sewer improvements

25 Questions?

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