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Optimization and testing of a reduced model of pyramidal neurons Arnd Roth Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research University College London.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimization and testing of a reduced model of pyramidal neurons Arnd Roth Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research University College London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimization and testing of a reduced model of pyramidal neurons Arnd Roth Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research University College London

2 How do neurons transform synaptic inputs into action potential output?

3 What are the functional compartments in neurons?

4 Backpropagation of action potentials Stuart & Sakmann, 1994

5 Dendritic spikes in vivo Helmchen, Svoboda, Denk & Tank, 1999

6 Local dendritic spikes in vivo Smith, Smith, Branco & Häusser, 2013

7 BAC firing in layer 5 pyramidal cells Larkum, Zhu & Sakmann, 1999

8 Critical frequency for calcium electrogenesis Larkum, Kaiser & Sakmann, 1999

9 Constraining passive parameters in compartmental models Roth & Häusser (2001)

10 „Raw“ and „core“ model parameters

11 Turning bad space clamp into a virtue Schaefer, Helmstaedter, Sakmann & Korngreen, 2003

12 Dendrotomy and „pinching“ Bekkers & Häusser, 2007

13 Dendrotomy and „pinching“ change somatic AP waveforms

14 Detailed and reduced models Traub et al., 1991Pinsky & Rinzel, 1994

15 Case study: a reduced compartmental model of a layer 5 pyramidal neuron Bahl, Stemmler, Herz & Roth, 2012

16 Verification of passive properties

17 Pinching in a layer 5 pyramidal neuron

18 Model generalization

19 f/I curves before and after pinching

20 BAC firing

21 Attwell & Gibb Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2005); Fig. 2 mod. Redistribution of ions: Na + -K + -ATPase Percentage of energy expended on neuronal signalling in rat neocortex Hodgkin & Huxley J. Physiol. (London) (1952d); Figs. 17 and 18 Energy efficiency of action potentials in the Hodgkin-Huxley model Hodgkin´s notion (1975): „In the squid axon... the entry of sodium and loss of potassium per impulse are 3 to 4 times the theoretical minimum of C m   U AP.“ (Charging a pure capacitor)

22 Charge separation Transmembrane ion fluxes during a mossy fiber bouton action potential at 37 °C

23 Transmembrane ion fluxes during a mossy fiber bouton action potential at 37 °C Alle, Roth & Geiger, 2009

24 Challenges Nonlinearity and large number of free parameters present a difficult optimization problem Which data and which distance functions can constrain which type of model? Tradeoff between flexibility and identifiability Access to high-quality, internally consistent, annotated data sets

25 What we need Test suites to objectively compare different (classes of) models (-> Open Source Brain) Standardized, portable model description (-> NeuroML) Simulator-independent model construction (e.g. neuroConstruct) and optimization (e.g. MOO) Integration of data from electrophysiological and optical recordings with morphological and molecular biology data Objective methods for dimensionality reduction

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