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WELCOME TO MS. PALAZZOLO'S SCIENCE 8 CLASS. AREAS TO BE COVERED Astronomy Human Biology and Genetics Environmental Meteorology.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MS. PALAZZOLO'S SCIENCE 8 CLASS. AREAS TO BE COVERED Astronomy Human Biology and Genetics Environmental Meteorology."— Presentation transcript:


2 AREAS TO BE COVERED Astronomy Human Biology and Genetics Environmental Meteorology

3 CLASS RULES Be prepared Be on Time Respect yourself and others Raise your hand to be called on Follow Directions Marzano Scales

4 NEEDED EACH DAY Agenda Book Textbook 3 Ring Binder Pen/Pencils Colored Pencils

5 SUPPLIES Due Monday, 9/8-Worth 15 points, Points lost for each day late 3 Ring Binder-divided into 4 sections for Notes Warm Ups Homework Quizzes and Tests Pens/Pencils Colored Pencils Book Cover

6 HOMEWORK Due in seven weeks Your responsibility Write out question Write out answer using complete sentences Lose half a point if you do not write out questions Lose half a point if you do not write out the answer using complete sentences

7 WARM UP Almost every day Worth 10-20 points Will be on notes and diagrams

8 QUIZZES AND TESTS On every unit Points based on the number of questions Will be – Multiple Choice – True and False – Fill in the Blank – Short Essay

9 PROJECTS Astronomy-Black Hole Project Human Biology Project Environmental Project

10 DISSECTONS Chicken Wings Pig Hearts Pig Kidney Cow Eyes

11 EXTRA HELP Before School Lunch/Advisory After School

12 DRILLS Lock Down Fire Drill Evacuation Shelter in Place

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