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Shipston on Stour Community Forum Quinton Village Hall 10 th June 2014 Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 Sergeant: Bob SHAW.

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Presentation on theme: "Shipston on Stour Community Forum Quinton Village Hall 10 th June 2014 Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 Sergeant: Bob SHAW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shipston on Stour Community Forum Quinton Village Hall 10 th June 2014 Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 Sergeant: Bob SHAW Shipston Police Safer Neighbourhood Team Contact Number: 01789 444670 Beat Manager: PC1681 Craig Purcell PCSO6218 Andy STEVENTON PCSO6230 Emma TURNER PCSO6234 Hayley DITCHBURN

2 Priorities From March 1:-Drug Supply and use 2:- Burglary and theft patrols/reduction 3:- Vehicle construction/use/speed Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 Sergeant: Bob Shaw

3 Drug supply and use Shipston male located in his vehicle in possession of Heroin, Crack Cocaine and cocaine. Arrested for possession with intent to supply. His home was then searched by the SNT and further cocaine and heroin found. Following interview he was bailed for further investigation to take place. As a result of this action Social Services took the suspects child into care. SNT locate two males at Tysoe Windmill in possession of cannabis. Both arrested and enquiries ongoing. Group of 5 males searched in Shipston during patrols of the town and a quantity of cannabis found during search on 3 of the 5. all parties dealt with for possession of a controlled substance. Shipston male arrested and bailed for supply of resources to facilitate the supply of Class A drugs following a incident in Stratford, SNT had supplied intelligence and will be investigating the matter further.

4 Burglary and Theft Patrols Almost daily patrols conducted by the team at key identified times Several groups of illegal peddlers stopped in Whichford and Shipston, all reported for the offences, sales bags seized at the roadside and escorted off patch by the team. We are very grateful to all the members of the public that have reported sightings. 2 arrested for Burglary in Armscote following reports of suspect activity As a result of these actions burglary offences are down by %33 on last year and the lowest numbers since 2006

5 Speed Checks 73 Checks done 182 Drivers dealt with 6’670 Cars checked TOTAL Alderminster 9checks Ettington 7 checks Halford 9 checks Ilmington 6 checks Long Compton 10 checks Long Marston 4 checks Quinton 5 checks Newbold 9 checks Oxhill 3 checks Shipston, London Rd 7 checks Shipston, Campden Rd 4 checks Speed Checks

6 All seized for traffic related offences Make sure you and your car are legal.

7 Tysoe Barn Arson. Arson to rural barn in March caused over £20,000 worth of damage. Following SNT investigation 2 males arrested in Tysoe area. Following interview both released on Police bail while forensic work takes place with electronic equipment.

8 Other News… 1.During overnight patrols of the Town drunk male started shouting at Police. When told to calm down and go home the male continued to shout and swear so was arrested. 2.55 year old male arrested and charged to court for harassment of ex partner. Previously convicted of harassment and given a restraining order the male had breached this. 3.24 year old female from Lower Quinton located by Police in possession of a approximately £200 worth of shoplifted items. During arrest she has lashed out in an attempt to escape and bitten an Officer to the hand resulting in hospital treatment. 4.Male located lying in the middle of Campden Road and extremely drunk. When spoken to by Police and ambulance he was abusive and aggressive so arrested for being drunk and disorderly. 5.Female has smashed a wine glass across the face of her Husband causing a cut to his face. She was arrested and held in custody overnight to sober up before interview the following day. 6.Male arrested from Crossroads caravan site near Darlingscote following complaint of assault.

9 Future Priorities - HAVE YOU VOTED? Priority 1: Drug Use / Supply - We will build on information and act accordingly through directed patrols, targeting vehicles suspected of transporting drugs and working with the Magistrates Court to obtain warrants to search properties. Priority 5: Parking Issues - We would conduct regular patrols of the High Street and A3400 running through Shipston at key times whilst also being able to commit further time to dealing with residential parking issues Priority 4: Vehicle Construction / Use / Speed -We would work to locate and seize any offending vehicles where possible and dedicate more time to speed enforcement in problem areas. Priority 2: Burglary / Theft Patrols - We would provide regular patrols to combat criminals who visit our area for the purpose of committing theft and burglary offences. Special Constables would be utilised to provide increased presence at key times. Priority3: Anti-Social Behaviour (including use of vehicles in an ASB Manner) - We would have greater engagement with young people and their parents with a view to reducing incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour.

10 Thank you for listening Shipston SNT 01789 444670 Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 A/Sergeant: Simon Osborne

11 Newsletter Shipston Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01789 444670 A/Sergeant: Simon Osborne Animal Concern If you believe an animal wild or domestic is or has been mistreated in the first instance call the RSPCA or the Police. Also, if you have noticed any suspicious activity involving livestock, contact the Police. If you would like to learn more information about Animal Crime, Horse Crime or Livestock Crime visit the Safer Neighbourhood web site. SNT surgeries The Shipston SNT surgeries are being held at the Council Offices in New Clark House, West Street, Shipston on Stour. The surgeries will be held for half an hour, so please come along to discuss any issues or concerns. Surgery dates and times are as follows: Thursday 12th June & Thursday 26th June at 2.30pm. No insurance A Tredington male has had his vehicle seized for no insurance. If you suspect anyone for no insurance, no tax or not having a valid driving licence please call the Shipston SNT on the usual numbers or 101 TheftVehicTheft - Honington Between 22:00hrs on 2nd May and 12:00hrs on 3rd May 2014, unknown offender/s have removed a Honda Rotary Water Pump and hoses from a stream in a field in Honington. If you have any information regarding this incident or saw anything suspicious in the area around the time of the offence please contact your Warwickshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555111, quoting crime reference number 23S6/009100Q/14. No insurance A male driver who was suspected of being involved of drug use and supply has had his vehicle seized for no insurance. He has been reported for the offence. DamageDamage - Ilmington Between 22:30hrs on 30th April and 10:30hrs on 1st May 2014, unknown offender/s have poured super glue into the main door lock of a secure caravan on Middle Street, Ilmington. If you have any information regarding this incident or saw anything suspicious in the area around the time of the offence please contact your Warwickshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555111, quoting crime reference number 23S6/009066D/14.


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