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 Our solar system has 8 planets.  We have inner and outer planets.  Our solar system has at least 5 dwarf planets.

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Presentation on theme: " Our solar system has 8 planets.  We have inner and outer planets.  Our solar system has at least 5 dwarf planets."— Presentation transcript:

1  Our solar system has 8 planets.  We have inner and outer planets.  Our solar system has at least 5 dwarf planets.

2  The sun is our star.  The sun has been alive for 5 billion years.  The sun will die in 10 billion years.

3  Mercury is brown and white.  It is the closest planet to the sun.  Mercury is almost the size of earth’s moon.

4  Venus is the same size as earth.  It takes 224,701 days to orbit the sun.  Venus is the third brightest object in the sky.

5  Earth is the only planet that can support life.  Earth is one of the largest inner planets.

6  Mars is called the red planet because it looks fiery red from Earth.  Mars has huge dust storms.

7  The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets.  All asteroids are just rocks in space.

8  Jupiter is the largest planet.  It is the 5 th planet.

9  Saturn has rings that are visible from Earth.  Saturn has at least 31 moon.

10  Uranus has at least 27 moons.  It is a gas giant.

11  Neptune is mainly made of hydrogen and helium.  The winds on Neptune can reach 1200 mph.

12  Pluto used to be a planet.  There are 5 other dwarf planets.

13  Asteroids are made of rock and metal.  The largest asteroid was 620 miles.

14  Telescopes help you see farther.  It is a very easy tool to use to see the night sky.

15  Meteors are just like shootings stars.  People think that their eyes are playing tricks on them but shooting stars are real.

16  The Big Red Spot is like a hurricane like storm.  It is twice as big as earth.


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