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Standards and Interoperability Breakout Boulder GEOSS Workshop 22 Sept 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards and Interoperability Breakout Boulder GEOSS Workshop 22 Sept 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards and Interoperability Breakout Boulder GEOSS Workshop 22 Sept 2007

2 Participants Tom Whitenack – SDSC Ted Haberman – NOAA David Schell – OGC Robert Thomas – Compusult Greg Yetman – CIESIN Ben Tuttle – CIRES/ CU Stefano Nativi – CNR – IMAA Siri Jodha S. Khalsa – CIRES/CU

3 Topics Addressed User needs Training & Outreach

4 Getting Data Out to Users Two types of users (equal priority?) –End users, information consumers, regional decision makers –Researchers, VARs, data consumers Finding data of local relevance –In terms (parameters) that are meaningful to various users Suitability of tools at hand –Science vs GIS formats

5 Immediate vs Long-Range Needs Realize limits of volunteer organization –Prioritize, what to do first? Developing user interface iterative process –Have to build first, get feedback, remodel, add functionally. Hard to satisfy both types of users –Set expectations –Don’t overdrive system in trying to satisfy the end users. –Digital Earth had little content behind it

6 GEO as Trusted Source Google Earth brought general public to geospatial information –Can’t rely on the data, couldn’t be used in mission critical decision making –Way to reach vast store of potential users –If GE makes people think they are getting good data, erodes trust in process like GEO –Just a precursor, GEO positioned to bring trusted source –KML not strong standard for delivering data

7 Sound Science If want to serve SBAs have to start from sound science, not just pictures Also show what is possible to deliverer to general public. –Demonstrate what will be possible if follow approaches that GEOSS develops –Have to address both aspects.

8 Scope Make sure first thing you do is to keep on scale, as it grows can pick up more and more resources from public. Generate from demand that grows from geo community. –e.g. suddenly real estate community, concerned in global change, need something can trust. –When states realize value of GEO, there will be commercial activity and support. –GEO as body to validate information.

9 Training & Outreach Regarding UIs – no one should have to read manuals, should be intuitive Training needed in use of registries –Not perceived as useful? –Will it accomplish its goal? Them training us

10 Positive Deviance* Identify groups who are doing things right Work with groups that already understand benefits of using standards –Train them on how to broaden the reach of their work by using broader community stds –Find the groups or individuals that have had the standards “epiphany” Help communities adapt or promote their ad hoc standards for broader application within GEOSS *In every community there are certain individuals (the "Positive Deviants") whose special practices/ strategies/ behaviors enable them to find better solutions to prevalent community problems than their neighbors.

11 Barriers Interoperability is more than Specs –Outreach, training, sociology very much part of process –Culture change, overcoming institutional barriers –Interoperability as a Scientific Discipline Create communication forums to support Uptake becomes self-propagating –Let success lead, get to tipping point/critical mass Work with SDOs in their outreach programs

12 Convincing Ministers Ultimately matter of how to package & present to policy people. –Takes time to show impact on decision support Realizing benefits of interoperability will take time –don’t set expectations too high Give examples ROI studies. –Dollar value of adopting standards

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