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ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Logical Functions Part 1.

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1 ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Logical Functions Part 1

2 Business Intelligence Data Analytics Big Data* Methods Data Mining* Text Mining* OLAP* Visualization* Query  Data Analytics Big Data* Methods Data Mining* Text Mining* OLAP* Visualization* Query  Database Benefits  Components  Database Benefits  Components 

3 Concept Map Business Intelligence Design Implementation IF, VLOOKUP 3-D Ref Accuracy Range Name Group

4 Objectives Define Business Intelligence. Demonstrate Excel’s logical functions that help produce business intelligence.

5 Segment A: Business Intelligence

6 Business Intelligence (BI) Set of software and methodologies that present visualizations depicting insights gathered from analytics and traditional IS for the purpose of improved decision making.

7 Pandora Internet Radio Recommender Software Music Genome Project Arrangement Beat Harmony Lyrics Melody Rhythm Tempo Voice,32068,88490113001_1992632,00.html

8 Segment B: IF Functions

9 IF function displays one of two possible values depending on the outcome of a logical test Logical Test compares two things If the Logical Test equates to TRUE, the cell is filled with the True Value. If the Logical Test equates to FALSE, the cell is filled with the False Value. IF Function MAC: Logical Test is broken into 3 separate boxes

10 Use the IF function to assign the label of easy or hard based on the hours. If a course requires more than 3 hours of study time per week, we will label it HARD. Three or less hours of study is labeled EASY. Course Difficulty Example

11 What cell is used for the logical test? What is the logical test? What is the true value? False value? Course Difficulty Example 3

12 Bonus Points Example 1.Open One Semester.xlsx 2.Extra Credit A.Add a new column to display the extra credit points. B.Give all students in the 8:00 Section 10 points of extra credit. Students in the 9:00 section receive zero extra credit. (Display either 0 or 10 in this new column.) 3.Curve A.Add a new column to display the curved Exam 1 grades. B.Curve Exam 1 grades by increasing all Freshmen grades by 10% and leaving all other grades the same. Show both the original and curved exam grades in separate columns. Do not show the curve points separately.

13 Shipping Cost Example Open SmartPen Sales.xlsx. Delete the data in the Shipping Cost column. Use an IF statement to display 4.95 when the shipping method is standard and 14.95 if it is not standard.

14 SUMIF, COUNTIF & AVERAGEIF SUMIF function includes a value in the calculation only when the criteria is true =sumif(range, criteria, sum_range) Each cell in range is compared to criteria. If that comparison equates to TRUE, the corresponding cell in sum_range is included in the calculation.

15 8:00 Average Example Calculate the average for Exam 1 of just those students in the 8:00 section.

16 SUMIFS, COUNTIFS & AVERAGEIFS SUMIFS function includes a value in the calculation only when two or more criteria are true =sumif(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1 criteria_range2, criteria2) Each cell in rangex is compared to criteriax. If all comparisons equate to TRUE for a single row, the corresponding cell in sum_range is included in the calculation.

17 8:00 Average Example Calculate the average of Exam 1 for Freshmen in the 8:00 section.

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