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Groping... … and reaching recognition - feedback result of communication... contact eXchange dialogue sender receiver filling up the created structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Groping... … and reaching recognition - feedback result of communication... contact eXchange dialogue sender receiver filling up the created structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 groping... … and reaching recognition - feedback result of communication... contact eXchange dialogue sender receiver filling up the created structure with more content creating…

2 one element of in-formation

3 moment-to- moment one moment of in-formation whole structures: overall message appearance- impression archaic architecture... sections grouped moments

4 modernist architecture…

5 more variation becomes possible …

6 post- modern…

7 anarchy ??

8 relative hierarchy

9 sources: Mary O‘Donnell: lectures at Dance Unlimited, Arnhem (Netherlands) 2002-2004 M. O‘Donnell: Open Form Composition. Report Bristol Workshop 2008. Bristol%20wrkshp2008.pdf Bristol%20wrkshp2008.pdf Iannis Xenakis: „...the sonorities of the orchestra are building materials, like brick, stone and wood...“ from Hoffmann, "Iannis Xenakis," The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, p. 607. quote from article by Markos Zografos “Iannis Xenakis. The aesthetics of his early works”:

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