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Watergate. Questions – What was Watergate? Why was the scandal called Watergate? – What precipitated the scandal? How did it end? – Who were the primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Watergate. Questions – What was Watergate? Why was the scandal called Watergate? – What precipitated the scandal? How did it end? – Who were the primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watergate

2 Questions – What was Watergate? Why was the scandal called Watergate? – What precipitated the scandal? How did it end? – Who were the primary people involved in the event? – Who broke the story to the American public? Who was "Deep Throat"? – What evidence existed that Nixon was guilty? What was the most incriminating aspect of the White House tapes?

3 Background 1972-1974 Refers to the series of events over two years Nixon’s administration abuse of power “Smoking Gun” “Deep Throat” Nixon’s resignation

4 The Basics General term for political scandals during Nixon’s term Began with five men being arrested after breaking into the Democratic National Committee Investigations revealed this was one of many illegal activities authorized and carried out by Nixon’s staff. Abuses include: campaign fraud, political espionage, sabotage, break ins, improper tax audits, illegal wiretapping and slush fund

5 The Break In…. June 17, 1972 Frank Wills noticed tape covering locks Called police Five men were arrested inside the Democratic National Committee’s office Charged with Attempted burglary These men, plus two others (Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy) were tried and convicted. All were either directly or indirectly employeed by Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President

6 Motive… 1968 – O’ Brien was appointed to serve as director of Presidential campaign 1968 – Appointed to serve in Washington as Public-policy lobbyist 1968,1970 – Elected as DNC chairman Hughes and Meier wanted to feed misinformation to Nixon Nixon was afraid O’Brien had incriminating information, hence the break in

7 The Investigation First big evidence was the money Burglars were middle/lower class ppl Money taken from the 1972 committee to re- elect the President Money was legit Because money was legit, fake books were impossible

8 The Investigation… Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward Worked for Washington Post Relied heavily on the anonymous source “Deep Throat.” Had a hard time with their paper; this was a new way of doing things

9 The Investigation April 30 th, Nixon asked for the resignation of two of his AidesL Halderman and Ehrlichman. He also fired White House Counsel John Dean – He later testified against the President Appointed new Attorney General: Elliot Richardson. Gave him independent power

10 The eventual conclusion Televised hearings Pointed at the President Nixon resigns after threat of impeachment Many people are indicted on charges such as perjury, conspiracy, burglary, SMOKING GUN – comes from the tape itself

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