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ECEN 621, Prof. Xi Zhang ECEN 621-600 “ Mobile Wireless Networking” Course Materials: Papers, Reference Texts: Bertsekas/Gallager, Stuber, Stallings, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "ECEN 621, Prof. Xi Zhang ECEN 621-600 “ Mobile Wireless Networking” Course Materials: Papers, Reference Texts: Bertsekas/Gallager, Stuber, Stallings, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECEN 621, Prof. Xi Zhang ECEN 621-600 “ Mobile Wireless Networking” Course Materials: Papers, Reference Texts: Bertsekas/Gallager, Stuber, Stallings, etc Grading (Tentative): HW: 20%, Projects: 40%, Exam-1:20%, Exam-II:20% Lecture notes and Paper Reading Lists: available on-line Class Website: Research Interests and Projects: URL: Instructor: Professor Xi Zhang E-mail: Office: WERC 331

2 ECEN 621, Prof. Xi Zhang Characterizations and Modeling of the Wireless Channel Lecture Notes 8.

3 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

4 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

5 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

6 Prof. Xi Zhang Frequency-time channel representation Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

7 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

8 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

9 Prof. Xi Zhang Transmitted and received signals in Ex 2.1, part (b) Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

10 Prof. Xi Zhang Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

11 Prof. Xi Zhang Transmitted and received signals in Ex 2.1, part (c) Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

12 Prof. Xi Zhang Observations made from solutions of Ex 2.1, part (d) Spring 2010ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

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