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Electronic Learning: Concept and Development Magister Teknologi Informasi Gadjah Mada University.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Learning: Concept and Development Magister Teknologi Informasi Gadjah Mada University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Learning: Concept and Development Magister Teknologi Informasi Gadjah Mada University

2 What is E-Learning ? The use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad range of solutions to enhance knowledge and performance Important characteristics: Networked Delivered to end-users via computers using standard Internet technologies Focuses on learning solutions that go beyond traditional paradigms of training

3 Transformation of Learning From training to performance The act of training (e.g., how much training activity takes place) is no longer sufficient Training must reflect a clear outcome (i.e., positive impact on the trainee’s performance) Performance improvement requires many aspects other than training “Human performance technology”

4 Transformation of Learning From the classroom to anytime, anywhere Access to learning must be 24/7  time is critical Just-in-time requirement Flexibility to accommodate different learning pace From paper to on-line Going to paperless environment Allows quick update of content, making learning materials relevant over the time

5 Transformation of Learning From physical facilities to networked facilities Linking training resources through networks Sharing of resources, especially for training general subjects (e.g., introductory courses) Physical training facilities (e.g., training centers) merge, or change roles (e.g., offering only advanced or specialized training) From cycle time to real time Shorter life-cycle of teaching materials (i.e., limited time of relevancy) More advanced technological and instructional design techniques are needed to keep up with changes

6 Transformation of Learning Need for alternative methods of learning Does not necessarily replace teachers and classrooms Alternative methods to work with various sources of information, to gain more comprehensive knowledge

7 The Role of E-Learning E-learning is NOT just transforming the traditional classroom approach into its electronic equivalent E-learning broadens our perspective: learning can be through training (instruction) and information access

8 Benefits of E-Learning Cut costs E-learning is the most effective way to deliver instruction (training) Cuts travel expenses, time to train people, and classroom infrastructure Start-up costs may be high, but this can be compensated by operational savings Consistent and customizable content Everyone gets the same content, presented in the same way Yet the programs can be customized to meet specific demands

9 Benefits of E-Learning Timely and dependable content Due to the ability to update and distribute learning materials in a quick way Learning is 24/7 Just-in-time in learning (anytime, anywhere) No “ramp-up” time Using web technology already familiar to million of users, learning to learn is no longer an issue

10 Benefits of E-Learning Universality Through the use of universal Internet technology (browsers, protocols, etc.) Builds community Driven by the web, e-learners can easily create community based on shared goals, interests, etc. Can be used as sources of knowledge and motivators High scalability Scale-up well for increasing number of participants

11 A Strategic Foundation for E-Learning New approaches to e-learning On-line training (instructional strategy) and knowledge management (informational strategy) Learning architectures E-learning as a complement of classrooms (i.e., how to create synergy between the two methods) Infrastructure The use of technology to deliver and manage e- learning From physical infrastructure (e.g., networks, hardware) to learning management systems

12 A Strategic Foundation for E-Learning Learning culture and change management How to create a supporting learning environment How to introduce such learning environment and gradually move to it Sound business case A business model for running e-learning is necessary (e.g., suitable financial model for running e-learning) Reinventing the training organization The role, function, and responsibility of training units will change

13 E-Learning and New Roles of Classroom The classroom will not be the default delivery system Synergy between e-learning and classroom learning will become more refined There will be less teaching and more facilitating

14 E-Learning and New Roles of Classroom There will be reliance on original source materials (e.g., web sites containing learning materials) Course start and end dates will become increasingly irrelevant The role of teachers cannot still be fully replaced

15 Building and Managing an E-Learning Infrastructure 1.Conduct a thorough needs assessment 2.Develop an architecture design on the competencies to be built Example: e-learning for practical courses should allows student to experiment 3.Keep the business need in mind 4.Test the architecture with all stakeholders Teachers Learners Managers/employers Sponsors Developers

16 Building and Managing an E-Learning Infrastructure 5.Start by associating classroom learning with application and teamwork, and e-learning with content and tools 6.Use existing learning materials, if available 7.Use the web to link all learning components 8.Help people learn “how to learn” 9.Think about “precision learning” To accommodate specific needs for each learner, as well as for the whole group

17 Building and Managing an E-Learning Infrastructure 10.Create and maintain a community on the web 11.Use the classroom as an extension of on-line learning 12.Engage learners every step of the way Communication Incentives Opportunities Technology

18 Learning Management Systems A system that organizes learning materials and activities Repository of learning objects/materials Organization of learning material presentation Management of lecturers and students Management of lectures Class organization Access to learning materials May include student performance management

19 Learning Management Systems Learning objects Learning object management Ppt, pdf, docs, etc Cakupan Materi per sesi List Materi Keseluruhan External link Kuis, tugas online Manajemen anggota, Notifikasi, etc

20 Web-Based Learning: A Development Approach Choose the kind of course Instructor-led or learner-led ? Synchronous or asynchronous ? How big is the class ? Where does learning take place ? Set technology standards Browsers ? File formats ? File size ?

21 Web-Based Learning: A Development Approach Consider a metaphor A metaphor is a consistent design that models the structure and appearance of the course on something familiar to the learners A metaphor could be an extended analogy, theme, motif, or scenario Example: Virtual classroom  school metaphor learner  student instructor  teacher tests  exams, quizzes external resources  libraries reference materials on site  hand outs assigned activities  laboratories

22 Some Challenging Development Issues How to facilitate various learning sequences ? How to simulate tests, exams, lab works ? How to evaluate student performance ? How to deliver materials over bad networks ?

23 Learning Management Systems Metadata of learning objects, for more flexible access by public

24 E-Learning: Cisco Networking Academy



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