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BLUETOOTH HACKING - Image the world without wireless By Indra Divya.K Kalasalingam University CSE-Final yr.

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Presentation on theme: "BLUETOOTH HACKING - Image the world without wireless By Indra Divya.K Kalasalingam University CSE-Final yr."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLUETOOTH HACKING - Image the world without wireless By Indra Divya.K Kalasalingam University CSE-Final yr.

2  Overview of Bluetooth  Bluetooth Technology  Different version of Bluetooth  How Bluetooth works  Pros  Bluetooth Hacking Software  Bluetooth v/s wireless  Bluetooth Security  To prevent data

3 What is Bluetooth? –Bluetooth is a method for data communication that uses short range radio links to replace cables between computers and the connected units. When does it appear? The Bluetooth specification was first developed in 1994 by Sven Mattison and Jaap Haartsen, who were working for Ericsson Mobile Platforms in Sweden. –5 companies (Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel & Toshiba) joined to form the Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG) in 1998. –First specification released in July 1999

4  Bluetooth is a wireless system that uses radio waves for communication. It has the ability to communicate with many different devices at once without interference.  Bluetooth is an open standard for short - range transmission of digital voice and data that supports point - to - point and multi point applications.  The range is set at 10 to 100 meters to optimize for target market of mobile and business user. The range can, however, be increased.

5 These are the different versions of bluetooth technologies we have since 1999. 1. Bluetooth v1.0 and v1.0B (with mandatory bluetooth hardware device address) 2. Bluetooth v1.1(ratified as IEEE standard 802.15.1- 2002) 3. Bluetoothv1.2(faster connection and discovery) 4. Bluetoothv2.0+ EDR(enhanced data rate) 5. Bluetoothv2.1(secures -SSP) 6. Bluetoothv3.0(high speed data transfer) 7. Bluetoothv4.0(lowenergy consumption–recently used in apple)


7  RADIO FREQUENCY PROTOCOL: Responsible for modulation and demodulation of data into RF signals.  BASE BAND PROTOCOL: Responsible for coding and decoding.  LINK MANAGER: Establish all connection with the help of baseband protocol.

8  SERVICES DISCOVERY PROTOCOL : Discovering the services of other devices  LOGICAL LINK CONTROL AND ADAPTATION PROTCOL(L2CAP): For transporting bigger data products to higher level.  RFCOMM: Create a virtual serial data stream. Acts as a transport layer.  SDP: Uses request/response model.

9  Universally Accepted  Eliminates wires  Economical  Best alternative of data transfer  Standard protocol  Low power  Standardized protocol

10 1. Super Bluetooth Hack 1.08 2. Blue Scanner 3. Blue Sniff 4. BlueBugger 5. BTBrowser 6. BTCrawler 7. BlueSnarfing

11  uses wireless PAN.  simplifies discovery and set-up of Services.  uses wireless LAN  requires configuration to set-up shared resoures.

12  As it has many benefits, also susceptibility to denial of services attacks---  Bluejacking  Bluesnarfing  Bluebugging.

13  Many software patches available for older Bluetooth phones.  Turn to non-discoverable mode when not in use.  Never pair with unknown devices or In public places  Update your device often.  Scan all incoming multimedia messages and electronic business card for virus.

14   Wikipedia  E-Book on Introduction of Bluetooth Wireless Technology By-Intel   

15 Thank you

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