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Europe Unit 7. Leading countries according to GDP  Switzerland  Luxembourg  Sweden.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe Unit 7. Leading countries according to GDP  Switzerland  Luxembourg  Sweden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe Unit 7

2 Leading countries according to GDP  Switzerland  Luxembourg  Sweden

3 Leading countries according to Land Size  Ukraine  France  Spain

4 Leading countries according to population  Germany  United Kingdom  Italy  France

5 PHYSICAL CHARATERISTICS  Part of a large landmass called EURASIA  Europe includes five peninsulas  A peninsula is a body of land surrounded by water on three sides

6  Europe’s peninsulas are the Iberian, Italian, Balkans, Scandinavian,and the Jutland

7 Iberian

8 Italian

9 Scandinavian

10 Jutland

11 Balkan Peninsula

12  Europe also has three ISLANDS  an island is a body of land completely surrounded by water  Europe’s main three islands are Great Britain, Ireland and Sicily

13  Europe is also home to many FJORDS  A fjord is a narrow valley or inlet from the sea--originally carved out by glaciers


15  Two Major mountain ranges exist in Europe  Alps-  Alps-Central Europe  Pyrenees-  Pyrenees- border between France and Spain

16 People Ski in the Alps

17  The largest physical characteristic in Europe is the North European Plain  The North European Plain is a large flat fertile stretch of land important for agriculture, especially in Western Europe

18 North European Plain

19 Chernozem  Black Earth

20  Rivers also play an important role in Europe.  They are or were used for transportation, power, and trade.  The most important are the Danube (Germany), Rhine (Germany), and the Seine (France).

21  Seas Oceans  AdriaticAtlantic  AegeanArctic  Mediterranean  Baltic  Black  North


23  Landmarks  Strait of Gibraltar- separates Europe from Africa at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea

24  Climates  varied climate regions-- everything from tundra to mediterranean  Europe’s climate is also affected by the North Atlantic Drift and the prevailing westerlies


26  North Atlantic Drift is a powerful ocean current that carries tropical water toward the coast of Europe.  The winds which blow across the North Atlantic Drift are known as the prevailing westerlies.

27  Combined they help to produce a warm, moist climate in most of Europe

28 Economic Characteristics  The Mountain regions of Europe are famous for tourism, recreation and mineral resources.  Many areas of Europe are threatened by air and water pollution.

29  Forests--Black Forest of Germany (acid rain)  Cities--Venice,Italy  Rivers--Danube, Rhine, and Seine


31  Many of Europe’s largest industrial and transportation centers developed near mineral deposits, especially coal and iron ore  Ruhr Valley (Germany)  Po Valley (Italy)

32  Rivers and canals served as the major transportation links

33  There are oil reserves in the North Sea. Great Britain has claimed many of them.  Most countries of Europe, especially Western Europe, have a well educated workforce.

34  Most are industrial or technological societies (Switzerland specializes in banking).

35  The countries of Western Europe also use advanced farming techniques which gives them high crop yields.  Fertile soils and the chernozem (black earth of Russia) are also found in Europe.

36 Chernozem   Black Earth

37  Most of Europe has a well developed infrastructure.  Infrastructure is things such as roads, power companies railroads and air carriers

38  France and Great Britain have built the Chunnel to provide a railroad transportation between their countries.





43  Oil Reserves in the North Sea

44  This is a wind park in the North Sea

45  Western Europe and Eastern Europe have different industrial systems and different industrial development because of different economic and political systems since 1945.

46  Most of western Europe belongs to the European Union today. Eastern Europe is slowly catching up after changing their systems in the early 1990s

47  The European Union is an economic union used to tie the economies of Europe together for the benefit of all members. It is an ECONOMIC ALLIANCE.

48 European Union

49  Trade is important in Europe, especially to the island nations.  Sweden and Denmark allow their governments to play a large role in their economies- Socialism.

50  Eastern Europe has begun the switch from communism to capitalism.

51  the Netherlands grows crops on land reclaimed from the sea (Polders)

52  Their demographics are typical of a developed nations.  High per capita GDP  High literacy rate  high life expectancy

53  low infant mortality  low percentage of the population under the age of 15

54 Cultural Characteristics  Europe is the birthplace to the Industrial Revolution  The Industrial Revolution was the switch from hand or manual labor to using machines for labor

55  England was the center of the Industrial Revolution

56  Europe is the home to many ethnic groups   each group brings different languages, religions and customs

57 Many Ethnic Groups: Languages, religions, customs


59 Sporadic Conflict among groups  The American Revolution, The French Revolution, The War of 1812, The French and Indian War, WWI, WWII, Bolshevik Revolution and the list goes on!!!!



62 Don’t forget the changing maps  For Ex: Europe before WWI

63 Europe After WWI

64 Europe after WWII

65 Europe 1991


67  Europe is the birthplace of modern democracy  Greece is the home of Democracy  Rome was the 1 st Republic

68  Europe has spread its’ culture to other parts of the world through  exploration  colonization  imperialism

69  Europe is highly urbanized  It is one of the most densely populated areas of the world  Most of Western Europe is a member in the political/military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

70  All of the following cities act as centers for culture and trade in Europe  Berlin, Germany Rome, Italy  London, England Paris, France  Madrid, Spain  Athens, Greece  Warsaw, Poland

71 Cultural Landscape  In Paris the following cultural icons can be found:  Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, Louvre, Eiffel Tower

72  In Italy the following cultural icons can be found:  Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pisa, St. Peter’s Basilica

73  In Greece—the Parthenon  In England--Westminster Abbey and Big Ben  In Europe in general--windmills (Netherlands) and castles

74 Parthenon in Greece



77 Arc de Triomphe in Paris




81 Notre Dame





86 Eiffel Tower -- Paris





91 Colosseum--Italy





96 Leaning Tower of Pisa-- Italy



99 Big Ben--England



102 Westminster Abbey


104 St. Peter’s Basilica (Vatican)




108 Windmills and Castles

109 Windmill on a polder

110 Louvre





115 Fjord


117 Alps


119 The Rock of Gibraltar



122 Which is which? Why?

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