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Test, Introduction to EM waves Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

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1 Test, Introduction to EM waves Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2 Unit 11: Waves Tuesday, 4/12 Upcoming dates:  Tuesday, 4/12 – Waves test and all missing waves work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Monday, 4/18 – EM Spectrum/Optics quiz  Tuesday, 4/26 - EM Spectrum/Optics quiz  Thursday, 4/28 – EM Spectrum/Optics test all missing EM Spectrum/Optics work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Friday, 5/6 – Atomic Physics test all missing Atomic physics work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Monday, 5/16 – Rube Goldberg Project due (test grade)  Friday, 5/20 – Bottle Rocket launch day (test grade)  Thursday, 5/26 – Exam review due (it is 30% of your exam grade) Draw a diagram of two waves interacting constructively and destructively (before and after). Take out your review

3 Unit 11: Waves Tuesday, 4/12 Upcoming dates:  Tuesday, 4/12 – Waves test and all missing waves work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Monday, 4/18 – EM Spectrum/Optics quiz  Tuesday, 4/26 - EM Spectrum/Optics quiz  Thursday, 4/28 – EM Spectrum/Optics test all missing EM Spectrum/Optics work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Friday, 5/6 – Atomic Physics test all missing Atomic physics work is due (missing work is a zero after you test)  Monday, 5/16 – Rube Goldberg Project due (test grade)  Friday, 5/20 – Bottle Rocket launch day (test grade)  Thursday, 5/26 – Exam review due (it is 30% of your exam grade) Draw a diagram of two waves interacting constructively and destructively (before and after). Take out your review

4 Preparing for test – 10 minutes  Review your notes  Turn in any missing waves work (remember…your zeros will not be changed after you test).

5  Put your phone in your bag or on my desk. Phone not in your bag equals cheating – No questions asked.  Take a breath…you can do this!  You can write on the test  After the test do the following:  Turn your test and answer documents in (back lab table where I am sitting)  Pick up a Chrome Book  Read the article on my website.  Cool down: should every citizen have access to the technology described in the article? Support your answer (why the should or should not).  Turn your cool down into the tray.  Find something quiet to do. You can get a Chrome Book (maybe Membeam?). No phones until everyone is done.

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