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Who is qualified to be an American?. What does it mean to be an American? What is expected of an American citizen? Who should be allowed to be citizen?

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Presentation on theme: "Who is qualified to be an American?. What does it mean to be an American? What is expected of an American citizen? Who should be allowed to be citizen?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is qualified to be an American?

2 What does it mean to be an American? What is expected of an American citizen? Who should be allowed to be citizen? Now create some kind of system in which a non-citizen would have to go through in order to become a citizen.

3 Let’s look at the system in place! You will take a test which is an example of the present test a person would have to take and pass in order to become a citizen to the US. *Passing is a score 70% or higher *If you do not meet the standard, by law I must report you to INS. *You could possibly be deported.

4 Reflection time 1.Did you pass? 2.What attributed to your success or failure? 3.What did you have to know most about America in order to pass the test? 4.Do you think an American citizen should know the answers to those questions? Why or why not? 5.Who do you think would do better on the test, you or your parent? Explain? 6.Do you think this is a good way to prove that someone should be an American Citizen? Explain

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