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Unit 13: Organic Chemistry RB Topic 10 I. Organic chemistry - the study of CARBON and carbon compounds - MILLIONS of organic compounds…WHY?  the Carbon.

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2 Unit 13: Organic Chemistry RB Topic 10

3 I. Organic chemistry - the study of CARBON and carbon compounds - MILLIONS of organic compounds…WHY?  the Carbon atom - has 4 valence e – ’s - can form 4 COVALENT bonds (SHARING e – ’s)


5 II. Properties of O RGANIC C OMPOUNDS Contain CARBON and usually HYDROGEN sometimes O, N, or halogens (F,Cl,Br,I) Ex: C 4 H 10, C 6 H 12 O 6, CH 5 N Are GENERALLY NONPOLAR MOLECULES weak intermolecular forces of attraction low melting and boiling points HIGH vapor pressures (volatile) low solubility (insoluble) in water

6 Four Ways to Write Formulas 1.Molecular Formula - shows kind and # of atoms Ex: C 2 H 6 2. Empirical Formula - simplest ratio Ex: CH 3

7 3. Structural Formula - shows electrons (bonds) as lines and dots 4. Condensed Formula - shows order of atoms in molecule Ex: CH 3 CH 3

8 PropertyButane2-methylpropane Colorcolorless Melting point-138 ºC-160 ºC Boiling point-1 °C-11.7~°C Solubility in water6.1 mg/100 mL waterinsoluble Flammability/Reactivity with oxygen Highly flammableFlammable Shown below are a table of the physical and chemical properties and the structural formulas of butane and 2-methylpropane. How are these two compounds different? How are they similar? Also: Compare the % composition of C and H in butane and in 2- methylpropane:

9 Isomers!: organic compounds with the same molecular formula, but different structures

10 *** As the number of carbon atoms in a compound increases, so does the number of possible isomers*** Q: Which has more isomers – C 6 H 14 or C 10 H 22 ?

11 Naming & Drawing Hydrocarbons

12 Organic Functional Groups (Table R)

13 Quiz on Naming pentamide chloropropane5 2 3 4 1

14 IV. Seven Types of Organic Chemical Reactions Polymerization making a macromolecule (huge molecule) by bonding lots of small compounds together P. Polymerization : making a macromolecule (huge molecule) by bonding lots of small compounds together Ex: nC 2 H 2 → (C 2 H 2 )n Natural PolymersSynthetic Polymers cellulosenylon ● cellulose● nylon starchrayon ● starch● rayon proteins polyethylene (plastic) ● proteins● polyethylene (plastic)

15 Substitution S. Substitution: H atom replaced with another atom or functional group *SATURATED hydrocarbons (alkanes) ONLY* Ex: C 2 H 6 + Cl 2 → C 2 H 5 Cl + HCl

16 Fermentation F. Fermentation: sugar is broken down into an alcohol and carbon dioxide this is how beer, wine, and bread are made yeast do this – this is how beer, wine, and bread are made Ex: __ C 6 H 12 O 6 → __ C 2 H 5 OH + __ CO 2

17 A. Addition: adding one or more atoms to a double or triple bond * UNSATURATED hydrocarbons (alkenes, alkynes) ONLY* Ex: C 2 H 4 + Cl 2 → C 2 H 4 Cl 2

18 Ex: C 2 H 4 + H 2 → C 2 H 6

19 C. Combustion: burning *oxygen (O 2 ) must be present for combustion* 1. Complete Combustion: lots of oxygen available produces carbon Dioxide and water Don’t write Ex: Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of 1 mole of propane.

20 2. Incomplete Combustion:not enough O 2 present produces carbon MONoxide and water Don’t write Ex: Write the balanced equation for the incomplete combustion of 2 moles of butane

21 Esterification E. Esterification: making an ester organic acid + alcohol  ester + water Word Equation: organic acid + alcohol  ester + water Chem Eq : CH 3 COOH + CH 3 OH  CH 3 COOCH 3 + H 2 O

22 S. Saponification: making soap Word Equation: ester + base  alcohol + soap

23 S UMMARY : 5 M AJOR T YPES OF C HEMICAL R EACTIONS 1.……………………………………… 2.……………………………………… 3.……………………………………… 4.……………………………………… 5. ………………………………………

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