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Semester Exam 2013 Information for Success. Dates Tuesday, December 10 th Wednesday, December 11 th Thursday, December 12 th Friday, December 13 th The.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester Exam 2013 Information for Success. Dates Tuesday, December 10 th Wednesday, December 11 th Thursday, December 12 th Friday, December 13 th The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester Exam 2013 Information for Success

2 Dates Tuesday, December 10 th Wednesday, December 11 th Thursday, December 12 th Friday, December 13 th The next week will be slightly different schedules for Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, Dec. 20 will be a half day schedule with student release at 11:30 am

3 Times Two hour exam sessions Exam Session 1: 8:00-10:05 am Exam Session 2: 10:50-12:55 Morning break: 10:10-10:45 Lunch: 12:55-1:35 pm No exams: 1:00-3:00 pm (Except make up exams on Friday, Dec. 13, 1:30 pm)

4 Exam Preparation Students should use pens (blue or black ink) where possible for exams. Some teachers may allow pencils. Check with individual teachers for required materials Students should have a clear pen/pencil case—plastic bag. All other materials (excluding post exam reading materials) should be placed securely in your locker. Calculators must be cleared and reset before relevant exams Students may use a paper dictionary for non-language exams Students may bring reading material for after the exam is completed, but this must be placed under the desk until after exam.

5 Issues to Avoid Do NOT bring Mobile phones, ipads, mp3s, devices that store information electronically, etc. Be sure to leave these in your locker or give to the teacher prior to the exam. If you are found in possession of a phone during the exam, this will cancel your exam and leave you without a score. Avoid talking or communicating with others during the exam session. This may result in your exam being cancelled. Avoid leaving the exam room within the first hour of the exam to use the toilet. You may leave after the first hour has passed, not before.

6 Exam Leave Permission Sign the Exam Leave Permission form your teacher gives you. Have your parents sign the Exam Leave Permission form Return the form by Friday, December 6, to the HS Secretaries so it is on file and you are allowed to leave campus when you do not have an exam. Those who fail to return their Exam Leave forms will stay in the library during the 1:30-3:00 time slot each day of exams

7 On Campus Students are only on campus When taking an exam Morning Break between exams In a supervised study session with teachers or other students If you do not have an exam, you should be: At home In the HS Library In the HS Café In the Basement or 3 rd floor Commons Area

8 On Campus Students should NOT be: In the gym On the soccer field In the Theater Somewhere unsupervised On the 2 nd or 4 th floor common areas With prior teacher approval, students may be: In the art room In the science labs In a supervised study session (e.g. AP Euro sessions)

9 Off Campus Preparation You are being given the opportunity to prepare for exams off campus. You only come to school when you have an exam. Students are encouraged to use the extra time effectively to study productively at home or in small groups. Do NOT use this time to play games or procrastinate. Be sure to get to school on time, so you do not miss your exam. If you arrive late, you may have to make up the exam on Friday, December 13, at 1:30pm Avoid distractions, develop increased responsibility for studying, and demonstrate focused approach for each exam session.

10 Student Exam Planner Using the Student View December 2013 Exam document, write down your exam schedule for December 2013.

11 Exam Procedure Students should arrive at exam room 5 minutes prior to the exam time Students will enter the room when the invigilator invites them Students should have writing utensils and post exam reading material Students will sit where indicated according to subject and level Students will begin exam when invigilator indicates Students will have a five (5) minute reading time before each exam. This time should be used to check that all pages are in order, questions are numbered correctly, difficulty of questions etc. Students should NOT write during this time. Students will have two (2) hours to write their responses to the semester exam. When finished, students will be allowed to read quietly once their exam has been submitted to the invigilator.

12 Good luck with exams Check with your teachers to find out what materials you will need and what content will be addressed on the exam.

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