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Published byNancy Bonnie Henry Modified over 8 years ago
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 11254 Record number 11254-002 JCB call number E772 C749p Image title [The nations of Europe assemble] Place image published Paris Image publisher [Chez T. R. Delorme, imprim. libr. Dover Street, Piccadilly] Image date 1772 Image function fold-out plate, following p. 112 Technique engraving Image dimension height 22 cm. Image dimension width 35 cm. Page dimension height 27.5 cm. Page dimension width 40 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Devils and fools dance in front of the entrance to Hell [?] and the entrance to Heaven [?]. A pig dressed as a priest stands before the fires of Hell while a procession led by another ecclesiastic carries a crucifix with "Nuestra Sonora, d'atocha" on it. Throngs of people, some nuns, some bishops, some royalty, some ordinary people, wait behind a portal. A figure representing Calvin, with a Bible under his arm, points the way to a garden [heave]. Source Title Congrès politique, ou Entretiens libres des puissances de l'Europe; sur le bal général prochain. Avec figures. Source place of publication London [i.e, Paris?] Source publisher Chez T. R. Delorme, imprim. libr. Dover Street, Piccadilly Source date M. DCC. LXXII. notes This book, a "satiric allegory on European wars" (according to Echeverria & Wilkie) was probably printed in Paris. Nuestra Se � ora de Atocha ("Our Lady of Atocha") was the most famous of a fleet of Spanish ships that sank in 1622 off the Florida Keys while carrying copper, silver, gold, tobacco, gems, jewels, jewelry, and indigo from Spanish ports at Cartagena and Porto Bello in New Granada (current Colombia and Panama, respectively) and Havana bound for Spain. Time Period 1751-1800 Visual categories Emblems (Allegorical pictures) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1917. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Emblems--America OriginalDocumentID xmp.did:293B0928DDB2E4118BF5AC4CAE8BF849 ModifyDate 2015-02-12T13:30:23-05:00 MetadataDate 2015-02-12T13:30:23-05:00 InstanceID xmp.iid:293B0928DDB2E4118BF5AC4CAE8BF849 ICCProfile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 History[1]/stEvt:when 2015-02-12T13:30:23-05:00 History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows History[1]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:293B0928DDB2E4118BF5AC4CAE8BF849 History[1]/stEvt:action created History[1] type=Struct History type=Seq format image/tiff DocumentID xmp.did:293B0928DDB2E4118BF5AC4CAE8BF849 DocumentAncestors xmp.did:10FAB076DDB2E4118DBDC91C0202CE35, xmp.did:D02530C38B226811A7BA97FE134EE3B4 CreatorTool Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows CreateDate 2015-02-12T13:30:23-05:00 ColorMode 3
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 11245 Record number 11245-1 JCB call number BA683 M763v Image title Vida Exemplae Muerte preciosa del Venerable Hermano Pedro de S. Joseph Betancur Fundador de la Compa[ñ]a Bethleemitica [sic] en las Indais Occidentales. Creator 1 Carlo Ascenti Creator 1 role Inven. Creator 2 B. Thiboust Creator 2 role Sculp. Place image published Romae [Rome] Image publisher [Nicolas Angel Tinassi] Image date [1683] Image function frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 18.6 cm. Image dimension width 13.2 cm. Page dimension height 22.9 cm. Page dimension width 16.4 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Saint Rodrigo with a knife through his head and a Spanish king, on either side of a monument, look up at the Holy Family encircled by angels. On the monument is the portrait of a woman. Seated at the foot of the monument is a native American with feathered headdress and a bow and arrow. Also includes crown, orb, sword, chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece, pile of coins, palm branch, and trumpet. Source creator Montalvo, Francisco Antonio de, 17th cent. Source Title Vida admirable y muerte preciosa del venerable hermano Pedro de S. Joseph Betancur fundador de la Compañia Bethlemitica en las Yndias Occidentales Source place of publication En Roma [Rome] Source publisher Por Nicolas Angel Tinassi Ympresor Camer. Source date MDCLXXXIII. [1683] notes Pedro de San José de Betancourt founded the hospitaler Bethlehemites or Belemites and worked for the poor in Guatemala. He became the first Guatemalan saint in 2002. The woman in the center of the monument is the Queen Regent of Spain, Maria Ana de Austria, who ruled as the monarch for her son, Charles II, after her husband, Philip IV died. Her son, the last of the Hapsburg family and mentally handicapped, was was only 4 years old when his father died; the crown at the foot of his mother's portrait represents his monarchy. In 1672 Betancourt's successor, Brother Roderick of the Cross, obtained the confirmation of a hospital in Lima from the king of Spain and also the confirmation of the Bethlehemites from Pope Clement X. Saint Roderick, Brother Roderick's patron saint, was martyred by the Moors in ninth-century Spain. The scene of the nativity at the top of the image represents the symbol of the Bethlehemites; it is included in any images or buildings related to the order. Betancourt is credited with introducing the custom of the "posada" in Guatemala (also practiced in Mexico). On Christmas Eve, groups recreate the procession of Mary and Joseph, looking for shelter and hospitality among neighbors and friends. Time Period 1651-1700 References (Jan. 2006) Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Information on the iconography of this image was provided by Coralia Anchisi de Rodriguez of the Popul Vuh Museum at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín. She identified Queen Maria Ana de Austria, Charles II, and the coat of arms of the Bethlehemite Order. geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Betancourt, Pedro de, 1619-1667
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02487 Record number 02487-1 JCB call number B798 E74m Image title [Allegory of Spanish conquest of Mexico] Creator 1 L. Paret Creator 1 role del. Creator 2 Blas Ametller Creator 2 dates 1768-1841 Creator 2 role incid. Place image published [Madrid] Image publisher [Pedro Julian Pereyra] Image date 1798 Image function frontispiece; vol. 1 Technique engraving Image dimension height 13.8 cm. Image dimension width 7.6 cm. Page dimension height 17.8 cm. Page dimension width 10.3 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Allegorical representation of the Spanish monarchy as a crowned woman giving a book to a native American woman wearing a feathered headdress. Behind her stands a woman representing the Catholic Church with a cross, a dove, and a book. Cherubs or angels support a portrait of Hernán Cortés. Other women representing industry (with a beehive and bees) and plenty (with a cornucopia of fruit) stand beside the crowned woman. Also includes the royal coat of arms of Ferdinand VII, scepter, and laurel wreath. Source creator Escoiquiz, Juan de, 1762-1820 Source Title México conquistada. Poema heroyco Source place of publication Madrid Source publisher En la Imprenta Real, por D. Pedro Julian Pereyra, impresor de cámara de S.M. Source date 1798 notes The author, a courtier, priest, and writer, here defends the Spanish conquest of Mexico. He was tutor to the heir-apparent, who was later Ferdinand VII. The painter of the work from which this engraving was made is probably Luis Paret y Alcázar (1746-1799). Time Period 1751-1800 Visual categories Emblems (Allegorical pictures) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1851. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Emblems--Mexico Subject headings Mexico--History--Conquest, 1519-1540 Subject headings Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 01617 Record number 01617-1 JCB call number B653 C142c Image title [Title page] Creator 1 I. Seguenot Creator 1 role f[ecit]. Place image published A Tolose [Toulouse] Image publisher Fran. Boude. Imprimeur a l'enseigne de S. Thomas. [F. Boude] Image date 1653 Image function added engraved title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 18.1 cm. Image dimension width 13.1 cm. Page dimension height 21.4 cm. Page dimension width 15.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French, Latin Description Title surrounded by images of Augustinian friars preaching to and baptizing native Americans. Each scene is surrounded by a Biblical verse. At the top is a flaming heart, the symbol of the Augustinian order. It is surmounted by a bishop's mitre, crozier, and a galero with six fiocchi. At the bottom are the arms of the Augustinian Prior General Philip Visconti. Source creator Calancha, Antonio de la, 1584-1654 Source Title [Crónica moralizada. French. Selections] Histoire du Peru, partie principale des Antipodes, ou Nouueau Monde.... Source place of publication A Tolose [Toulouse] Source publisher F. Boude Source date.1653 notes Philip Visconti was Augustinian Prior General from 1649 to 1655. Generals of orders are allowed six fiocchi or tassels. Time Period 1651-1700 References (March 2009) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1847. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America--Missions Subject headings Catholic Church--Missions--South America
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 0788 Record number 0788-1 JCB call number BA674 C718i Image title V. Efigies Vener. P. Fr. Petri Vrraca, Ord. B.V.M. de Mercede. Redempt. Captiv. Virtutibus,... Creator 1 Pedro de Villafranca Creator 1 dates ca. 1615-1684 Creator 1 role sculptor Regius, sculpsit Place image published [Madrid] Image publisher [Imprenta Real] Image date 1660 Image function frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 16 cm. (platemark) Image dimension width 11.4 cm. (platemark) Page dimension height 20.2 cm. Page dimension width 13.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description Portrait of Pedro Urraca, member of the Mercedarian Order. He wears the shield of his order, holds a heart in his left hand and points to three stars with his right hand. Includes an angel. Source creator Colombo, Felipe, 1623-1684 Source Title El Iob de la ley de gracia, retrato en la admirable vida del siervo de Dios, venerable padre fray Pedro Vrraca,... Source place of publication [Madrid] Source publisher En la Imprenta Real Source date 1674 notes Urraca was born in Spain and was brought to South America by his brother. He was ordained as a priest in Lima in 1610, and he died in Lima in 1657. The stars in the portrait refer to a miraculous appearance of three stars in this configuration when Urrace was nine years old. Time Period 1651-1700 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1846. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Catholic Church--Missions Subject headings Urraca, Pedro, 1583-1657
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 13057 Record number 13057-2 JCB call number BA730 D542m Image title [Altar] Place image published [Mexico] Image publisher Francisco Sylverio de Sotomayor Image date [1730] Image function plate; following p. 6 Technique engraving Image dimension height 17.7 cm. Image dimension width 12.3 cm. Page dimension height 20 cm. Page dimension width 14.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Altar or chapel in a church. Source creator Díaz del Castillo, Antoni Source Title Mano religiosa de fray José Cillero en la obra de la sacristía y altares del Convento Franciscano de Toluca, que ideó, hizo y dedicó el día 8 de diciembre de 1729 Source place of publication En Mexico Source publisher en la Imprenta Real de el Superior Govierno, de los herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Rivera Calderon; en el Empedradillo Source date 1730 notes This book describes the architecture of the Convento Franciscano de la Asumpción in Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico. Here the text discusses the elaborate altar. Sylverio, a Mexican engraver, claimed to have made at least 1245 numbered engravings between 1721 and 1763. Time Period 1701-1750 References (Oct. 2008) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1921. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Catholic church buildings Subject headings Toluca de Lerdo (Mexico). Convento Franciscano de la Asumpción
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 13057 Record number 13057-1 JCB call number BA730 D542m Image title [Interior of a convent] Creator 1 Francisco Sylverio de Sotomayor Creator 1 dates 1699-ca. 1763 Creator 1 role Scul. Place image published En Mexico Image publisher [Heirs of the Widow of Miguel de Rivera Calderone] Image date [1730] Image function plate; preceding p. 1 Technique engraving Image dimension height 17.7 cm. Image dimension width 12.3 cm. Page dimension height 20 cm. Page dimension width 14.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Interior of a domed room. Includes candlesticks [?]. Source creator Díaz del Castillo, Antonio Source Title Mano religiosa de fray José Cillero en la obra de la sacristía y altares del Convento Franciscano de Toluca, que ideó, hizo y dedicó el día 8 de diciembre de 1729 Source place of publication En Mexico Source publisher en la Imprenta Real de el Superior Govierno, de los herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Rivera Calderon; en el Empedradillo Source date 1730 notes This book describes the architecture of the Convento Franciscano de la Asumpción in Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico. Here the text discusses the sacristy. Sylverio, a Mexican engraver, claimed to have made at least 1245 numbered engravings between 1721 and 1763. Time Period 1701-1750 References (Oct. 2008) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1921. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Catholic church buildings Subject headings Toluca de Lerdo (Mexico). Convento Franciscano de la Asumpción
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 01663 Record number 01663-1 JCB call number BA631 P438r Image title Cari cuna: huarmi cuna Place image published [Lima] Image publisher [Por Geronymo de Contreras ] Image date [1631] Image function fold-out plate; following p. 614 Technique woodcut Image dimension height 27.4 cm. Image dimension width 16.6 cm. Page dimension height 31.5 cm. Page dimension width 18.4 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Quechua Description Genealogical chart of Pedro Yaya, alcalde (justice of the peace or mayor). Source creator Perez Bocanegra, Juan Source Title Ritual formvuario, e institucion de curas, para administrar a los naturales de este reyno, los santos sacramentos del baptismo, confirmacion, eucaristia, y viatico, penitencia, extremauncion, y matrimonio Source place of publication Impresso en Lima Source publisher Por Geronymo de Contreras, Iunto al Conuento de santo Domingo Source date 1631 Time Period 1601-1650 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1853. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Genealogy OriginalDocumentID xmp.did:A25280F838FBE4119686AA5B87EEEBD2 ModifyDate 2015-05-15T15:31:23-04:00 MetadataDate 2015-05-15T15:31:23-04:00 InstanceID xmp.iid:A25280F838FBE4119686AA5B87EEEBD2 ICCProfile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 History[1]/stEvt:when 2015-05-15T15:31:23-04:00 History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) History[1]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:A25280F838FBE4119686AA5B87EEEBD2 History[1]/stEvt:action created History[1] type=Struct History type=Seq format image/tiff DocumentID xmp.did:A25280F838FBE4119686AA5B87EEEBD2 DocumentAncestors uuid:AFC8CF597CD4DE11ABEEAB9B49BA905B, xmp.did:D02530C38B226811A7BA97FE134EE3B4 CreatorTool Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) CreateDate 2015-05-15T15:31:23-04:00 ColorMode 3
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 69-165 Record number 69-165-2 JCB call number BA675 S939t Image title [Fray Luis Cervela and ship] Creator 1 Juan de Benavides Creator 1 role scupsit Place image published Lima Image date [1675] Image function plate; following leaf 18 Technique engraving Image dimension height 18.6 cm. Image dimension width 12.1 cm. Page dimension height 19.9 cm. Page dimension width 14.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description Fray Luis de Cervela, a Franciscan monk, stands on a ship. Includes twelve stars, candles, a checkered design on the sail with letters, human eyes, and a lead weight. Source creator Suárez de Figueroa, Miguel Source Title Templo de N. grande patriarca San Francisco de la provincia de los doze apostoles de le Peru en la Ciudad de los Reyes Source place of publication Lima Source date 1675 notes Text describes the twelve stars as representing the twelve Franciscan monks who went to Lima. The eyes are said to represent vigilance. The letters within the checked squares read, "ISULUSI," an anagram of "Luis." The letters' "Ser," represent Cervela's last name. Cervela was the builder of the church and monastery of San Francisco in Lima, Peru, as well as its general commissary or comisario general from 1669 to1674. Time Period 1651-1700 References Camilloni, H.R. "Architectural Principles... San Francisco, Lima," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 28, no. 4, p. 235-253 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1969. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Missions, Spanish Subject headings Franciscans--Missions Subject headings Franciscans--Peru Subject headings Catholic Church--Missions
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 29768 Record number 29768-3 JCB call number BA701 B928p Image title Carolus. II. Hispaniarum Rex Place image published [Lima] Image publisher [Joseph de Contreras] Image date [1701] Image function fold-out frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 18.9 Image dimension width 13.7 cm. Page dimension height 20.1 Page dimension width 14.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Inscription c: D. Banneta [?] Languages Latin Description Portrait of Charles II of Spain surrounded by a laurel wreath and two angels, one holding a crown, the other holding the royal coat of arms of Spain. Includes allegorical figures of the four continents, including a native American with feathered headdress and garments. Source creator Buendía, José de, 1644-1727 Source Title Parentacion real al soberano nombre e immortal memoria del Catolico Rey de las Espanas y Emperador de las Indias el serenissimo senor don Carlos II... Source place of publication En Lima Source publisher Por Ioseph de Contreras, impressor real, del Santo Oficio, y de la Santa Cruzada Source date 1701 notes Written on the death of Charles II in 1700, this book contains poetry commemorating the event. The engraver was the Dominican friar Miguel de Adame. Time Period 1701-1750 Visual categories Emblems (Allegorical pictures) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1945. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700 -- Death
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08158 Record number 08158-1 JCB call number BA704 O66r Image title V. P. ciprianus Barace Soc. J. natione Hispanus, patria Issabensis,... Creator 1 A. Chave Creator 1 role f. et excud Place image published [Lima] Image publisher [José de Contreras] Image date [1704] Image function plate; following title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 14.3 cm. Image dimension width 10.4 cm. Page dimension height 20.1 cm. Page dimension width 14 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description The Jesuit father, Cipriano Baraze (or Barace), holds a cross while his torso is pierced by arrows and an axe cleaves his skull. Behind Baraze Jesuits preach to native Americans and are attacked by native Americans with clubs and bows and arrows. Built environment includes churches and dwellings. The scene of Baraze's martyrdom is enclosed in a foliated oval topped with a crowned Jesuit trigram and including bows, arrows, and clubs. Below, a Latin inscription flanked by angels describes Baraze's death. Source creator Orellana, Antonio de, 1653-1712 Source Title Relacion summaria de la vida, y dichosa muerte del U. P. Cypriano Baraze de la Compañia de Iesus,... Source place of publication Lima Source publisher En la Imprenta Real de Ioseph de Contreras Source date 1704 notes The Jesuits had at the end of the seventeenth century established some very successful missions among the Mojo [Moxo] Indians of Peru (present-day Bolivia). Baraze is credited with founding the city of la Santísima Trinidad. Father Baraze was born in Isaba, Navarra, Spain. Time Period 1701-1750 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1883. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Mojo Indians Subject headings Christian martyrs Subject headings Jesuits--Missions Subject headings Baraze, Cipriano, 1641-1702
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04410 Record number 04410-1 JCB call number BA725 C965c Image title Synopsi De la Historia General de la Sta. Cathedral Iglesia Metropolitana de Lima Primada del Reyno del Peru Place image published [Lima] Image publisher [Imprenta de la Calle de Palacio] Image date [1725] Image function added engraved title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 16.6 cm. Image dimension width 11.7 cm. Page dimension height 19 cm. Page dimension width 13.3 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Vignettes of the archbishops of Peru surround title and image of Francisco Pizarro presenting a brick to King Charles V. Behind him stand native Americans representing Peruvians [?]. Built environment includes dwellings. Source creator Cueva Ponce de Léon, Alonso de la, 1684-1754 Source Title Carta suplicatoria alos illustrissimos y r. senornes arçobispoos, y obispos, de los Reynos del Perù, Tierra-firme y Chile Source place of publication En Lima Source publisher En la Imprenta de la Calle de Palacio Source date 1725 notes The brick may symbolize the building of the cathedral of Lima. The first stone of the cathedral of Lima was laid by Francisco Pizarro in January 1535. Time Period 1701-1750 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1870. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 5542 Record number 5542-1 JCB call number B730 P426h / 1-SIZE Image title [Allegorical representation of the Spanish monarchy] Place image published [Lima] Image publisher [Francisco Sobrino] Image date [1730] Image function frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 26.1 cm. Image dimension width 17.3 cm. Page dimension height 28.9 cm. Page dimension width 20 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description The Spanish monarchy represented as a woman on a throne whose hand rests on a portrait of a Bourbon Spanish Austrian prince who wears the order of the golden fleece. The steps to her throne read Strength, Constancy, and Religion. Beneath her throne are chained Moorish soldiers. At her feet are weapons which include the Arab crescent. A classical figure wearing a laurel wreath kneels on a hemisphere showing South America with Lima marked on the west coast. Three angels are seated holding symbols of truth and with appropriate latin mottoes above their heads. Symbolic elements include mirror, a lit candle, open book, chains with hearts, crown, scepter, castles and lions (symbols of Castile and Leon or the Spanish crown). Source creator Peralta Barnuevo, Pedro de, 1663-1743 Source Title Historia de España vindicada Source place of publication Lima Source publisher En la Officina de Francisco Sobrino Source date MDCCXXX [1730] notes Engraving attributed to Juan de Gazitúa. In this book Peralta details the history of Spain from Greco-Roman times to ca. 600 AD. Time Period 1701-1750 Visual categories Emblems (Allegorical pictures) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1909. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Emblems
------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 5543 Record number 5543-1 JCB call number BA735 R696s / 1-SIZE Image title [Title page] Creator 1 Emanuel Sancts. Creator 1 role inv. et del. Creator 2 Is. á Palom. Creator 2 role sculp. Mti. Place image published [Madrid] Image publisher [Press of Mother Maria de Agreda] Image date [1735] Image function added engraved title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 28.4 cm. Image dimension width 17.6 cm Page dimension height 29.4 cm. Page dimension width 19.7 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Saint Francis Solanus, a Franciscan brother, stands on an orb upheld by native Americans with feathered headdresses and garments, bows and arrows. He holds a violin and book in one hand and a crucifix and lilies in the other. In the background are representations of Paraguay, Tucuman, and Lima. Includes dwellings, churches, and fortifications. Source creator Rodríguez Guillén, Pedro Source Title El sol, y año feliz del Peru San Francisco Solano, apotol, y patron universal de dicho reyno Source place of publication En Madrid Source publisher En la Imprenta de la Causa de la V. M. de Agreda Source date 1735 notes A missionary in Peru and Paraguay, Solanus arrived in Peru in 1589. Known for his ability to speak numerous native American dialects, he was censor of the convents of his order in Tucuman and Paraguay and was later elected guardian of the Franiscan convent in Lima, Peru. Time Period 1701-1750 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1909. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Peru--Church history Subject headings Solano, Francisco, Saint, 1549-1610
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