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TARA The Magic of Two Drops! The Secret of Staying Healthy.

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2 TARA The Magic of Two Drops! The Secret of Staying Healthy

3 Each year, from water-borne diseases: Over 3 crore people get sick 15 Lakh children die more than AIDS + malaria + measles! Enormous HHuman Distress MMedical Costs LLoss of Family Income HHarm to Nation’s Future Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Water Problems in India

4 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 What is contaminated water?  Bacteria  Virus  Insects  Dirt particles Water that contains:

5 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Sources of Contamination Water source used by animals Water body used for dumping wastes

6 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Sources of Contamination Defecation near water sourceUsing dirty hands to handle water

7 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Water Borne Diseases Diarrhea Cholera DysenteryTyphoid

8 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Water Quality Testing Even when colour and odour of water appear to be all right, use Aquacheck vials occasionally to test for invisible bacteria:

9 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Existing Solutions Reliable solutions are not affordable and Affordable solutions are not reliable  Boiling:  Expensive, time consuming  Indoor air pollution  Water Filters:  Too expensive  Spare parts not easily available  Chlorine tablets:  Smells bad, tastes worse  Not easily available

10 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Solution – Aqua+ Aqua+ is a scientifically formulated SWISS solution to purify water that is both 50ml bottle of liquid chlorine (chemical name: Sodium Hypochlorite Solution) MRP: Rs 42 per bottle Each bottle purifies 500 litres of water (Enough for 1 month for family of 5 members) Shelf life is 6 months from date of manufacturing Clear instructions in English and Hindi AFFORDABLE and RELIABLE

11 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Do’s Keep Aqua+ out of reach of children Add right amount of Aqua+, mix the water properly

12 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Don’ts Do not add more Aqua+ than the specified dosage Do not use dirty buckets to store water

13 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Other Features of Aqua+ Safe to use. Does not have side- effects Treated water can be refrigerated Does not change the taste of water

14 Marketing Plan for 2011 ~ 12 Why Aqua+? To ensure good health of your children and family To go to work regularly and earn more money Aqua+ does not change the taste of water Reliable, affordable and easy to use

15 Drink Safely, Stay Healthy !

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